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Google's ethics promises not worth shit

Google's ethics promises not worth shit

"Google’s updated, public AI ethics policy removes its promise that it won’t use the technology to pursue applications for weapons and surveillance"

Of course Goog... would do this, this is not surprising in the least. They make "promises" in order to get what they want, always keeping their fingers crossed behind their backs and ready to say "SIKE!" when it's safe to take the mask off.

Missing: Must include Google will sell you out to Trump and his fascist regime too. They will let him know if you were even considering getting an abortion, or if you are a closet transgender. After all "you are the product" and you are for sale to whoecer makes a generous enough offer. And they data mined the fuck out of you, even when you don't use their services.

Goog... does not care if someone's life is destroyed, so of course they won't have hangups actually making weapons to kill people with.

"Do all evil" - Google
anonymous Other February 05, 2025 at 12:31 am 0
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