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Dear AI

When are you going to generate images with faces that don't look like pig shit? When are the supposed Terminators and AI robots going to come out? When can you AI a voice that actually sounds believable and real?

When's it gonna be like Tron where there are sexy computer robot women like that one with the white hair and great ass, or Olivia Wilde. I noticed whenever a woman is casted to play like a robot or mermaid, they're always pretty but just weird enough looking for it be actually be believable.

When can I get an AI clone of Olivia Wilde from Tron Legacy? Or, Kristen Stewart, or some other bitch. I'd happy go out to Dairy Queen with some beautiful ass AI girlfriend who has the type of personality a screenwriter came up with to be the ideal mate. That would be cool. And I bet I'd fucking see lots of others doing the same thing. Men with probably Scarlet Johanson (she's a plain looking whore) and women with the likes of Johnny Depp and that little homo who played Willy Wonka the last time.

How about making this AI possible instead of spending 18934949009340909 dollars to make an automated floor sweeper for Wal-mart that still doesn't even fucking work.
anonymous Computers March 18, 2025 at 2:50 pm 0
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Well, if they are going to invade haiti and puero rico and the philipines and guam and sicily and england for the 275% tariffs and because the guy orbann said so...what do we get from them there?
anonymous 24 hours ago
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