It pisses a hella bunch of childless people off, but IDGAF! I don't think you should be able to get a tax returned if you don't got no kids!
Why TF do you need all that damn govt money if you ain't even got no kids at home to feed and buy school shit for and shoes and clothes and medicine and toys and shit? These selfish ass mother fuckers who don't ever have kids piss me TF right off! Y'all have no idea how hard it really is with kids especially for single-moms and dads. There is enuff of us out there that WE need that money to take care of our children and here all of you are with no actual responsibility in life getting like thousands of dollars and then you blow it on stupid ass crap when that money could go to familys and singe parents! No one has it as hard those of us like me with kids everything is that much harder depending on how many kids you got and even if you ain't single it is still hard! I got FOUR fuckin' kids and aint no one doing goddamn thing to help ME out with nothing! I can't work cuz of that and my babys daddys only pay the minimum they gotta pay me in support. My parents got all fucking stupid and shit about it and ain't supporting me beside letting me live there for free but said I need to try and get section 8 or some shit and that is BS! they should be happy that they grandbabies are there! many grandparents ain't involved at all! I need to be home with my kids not off at some minimal waige shitty stupid job away from them when I can't even go get them from school or go to their stuff or anything like that! I love my babies, and then when I hear all these childless people who are friends with my parents or my sister's friends talking bout all the money they getting back from the govt it makes my blood boil! Why they need that??????????????????
See, if I was any sort of minority or something I would get shit for free anyway, but because I am white I don't get a thing even though I do got some native indian in me but not enuff to count I guess! this whole country is messed and I am glad Trump is president but he needs to fix this shit faster. Trump and what's his face vice president guy said that people who don't got kids aren't going to have a good time anymore and he needs to make that happen and stop giving them checks after taxes and send those out to people who have kids starting with the single parents! and Trump needs to get those 5000 checks out to people that elon guy found too and those need to go to parents and not a bunch of people that have no real problems because they ain't got a kid!
my neighbor is getting like 1400 back and she is 46 and never married and doesn't have a kid, never even tried, but she be getting that much back???? I told her she needs to give that shit to me and she got all fucking bitchy at me and walked off, and wouldn't even let my kids finish petting her dog! She said they are too rough with her fucking stupid dog, well who the TF cares about your dog???? I HAVE CHILDREN and you aint doing shit for them or me so why should I tell my kids to be nice to your dog? probably gonna take that money and go blow it on a bunch of dog toys and treats for her stupid dog while I have my kids at home needing new shoes, my three year old little boy needs a haircut, my nine year old needs a new phone because her screen cracked cuz her daddy got her a cheap ass android, my other kids need shit too, like a new backpack, and i keep telling them we are going on a little road trip this summer but i won't be able to if i don't get the money and now my parents said they won't pay for that trip and the kid's dads won't either! and my parents ain't letting me use their other car no more all over some red light ticket, which those are BULLSHIT anyway! but I got one so now can't use their other car. I have NO car, and 1400 would help me get a car and if my parents would give me their taxes i wouldn't have to make payments i could find something and pay for it in full!
so now i can't even get around and have to beg for rides and everyone acts like i am putting them out and expecting so much out of them, or says they need gas??? WELL clearly I don't got gas money! I can't even take my kids to macdonald's anymore and have to eat the crap my parents have at home and listen to them all up in my face about how I eat too much and the kids are "pigs" those are the words they used! my kids ain't pigs! they are KID and they are bored and hungry and that is what kids do, THEY EAT..and I am not a pig either, I have a right to food! I gained a few pounds the past year and now suddenly I am told that I eat too much! My fuckin' life SUCKS right now and I don't got shit. no money. no car, my phone is gonna get shut off if my friend won't text me back about helping me pay for it for this month. i can't even get out of this fuckin' house for a break because I can't get a coffee or anything to eat since i am broke as a joke! and how am I suppose to get a job without a car? we live in the country and there ain't no busses that come out here and I can't afford an uber!
all I am saying is that if the govt stops giving money to people who don't need it and don't got kids, they could use that money to send to people like ME in my situation with kids and I could get what I needed!
and yes, before you all go off on me about SNAP and shit, I get all that but it ain't enuff because they think that child supports count and that my kid's dads pay enuff so it reduces it! and I can't do section 8 because i still can't afford rent even when it is reduced! So dont be starting on me about crap!
Justine G. Political February 24, 2025 at 6:47 pm04
Do you even know how taxation works? Sounds like you don't, considering that you basically admitted you've been unemployed your entire adult life.
Tax returns are not "the govt giving those people money", it is the money that WE as tax payers are getting back from the government from what income tax taken from our paychecks...from WORKING. That isn't free money sweetheart, that is what we earned. Not you. You don't get it just because you had sex and forgot the condom. It doesn't make you special because you have kids. You're life isn't harder or more worthy. And yes, people can have struggles and responsibilities outside of having children. Having children isn't at the top of list of entitlements. People have a lot of things in their life going on, not just people with children. I am so sick of breeders like you that think because you lack any sort of self-control, and are too ignorant to use contraception, that means you should get a total free ride and handouts the rest of your life, or that you are the most important person in the world.
By the way it sounds, your poor kids don't have a chance. Of course your parents are sick of being there and sponging off of them. You act as though your parents are obligated to support you and your kids because they are their grandchildren, and that isn't true. You are complaining about your parents, letting you live for free in their home, and eat all their food to the point they have to tell you to STOP eating because it is so much. Your kids sound like you are raising them to be a spoiled, demanding and entitled as you. Half the stuff you mentioned are not "needs" they are wants. McDonald's isn't a need. Starbucks isn't a need. A new phone isn't a need. And then you complain about their fathers not paying enough, but it sounds like you tap them out also! And then bitch about the phone he got your child? It isn't good enough?
And that isn't enough, you have to harass your poor neighbor and let your kids be cruel to her dog just because she won't sign over her tax return check to you? Do you even know that lady well enough to ask?
What the hell is wrong with you? anonymous 3 hours ago
Ick. Anyone who uses hashtag "boymom" or "bossbabe" is gross and unbearable. Samantha 3 hours ago
@Samantha- Exactly!
What exactly is she is as boss babe of? She can't even feed her own kids and thinks she is owed other people's tax returns. Mack 3 hours ago
OP is a WELFARE QUEEN who expects others to pay her way...
"I got FOUR fuckin' kids and aint no one doing goddamn thing to help ME out with nothing!"
Use contraceptives for fuck's sake! Why should my tax money that I worked to earn pay for your irresponsability? Also, tax returns are taxpayers' money. It's not an entitlement and it's not yours either. Create a **** account and beg. anonymous 3 hours ago
You are definitely trolling. Only people that work get tax money back. Also minorities don’t get “free shit” for being minorities. Stop trolling, you’re going to get some MAGAtard riled up over nothing. Tabitha. 36 minutes ago
5 Rant Comments
Tax returns are not "the govt giving those people money", it is the money that WE as tax payers are getting back from the government from what income tax taken from our paychecks...from WORKING. That isn't free money sweetheart, that is what we earned. Not you. You don't get it just because you had sex and forgot the condom. It doesn't make you special because you have kids. You're life isn't harder or more worthy. And yes, people can have struggles and responsibilities outside of having children. Having children isn't at the top of list of entitlements. People have a lot of things in their life going on, not just people with children. I am so sick of breeders like you that think because you lack any sort of self-control, and are too ignorant to use contraception, that means you should get a total free ride and handouts the rest of your life, or that you are the most important person in the world.
By the way it sounds, your poor kids don't have a chance. Of course your parents are sick of being there and sponging off of them. You act as though your parents are obligated to support you and your kids because they are their grandchildren, and that isn't true. You are complaining about your parents, letting you live for free in their home, and eat all their food to the point they have to tell you to STOP eating because it is so much. Your kids sound like you are raising them to be a spoiled, demanding and entitled as you. Half the stuff you mentioned are not "needs" they are wants. McDonald's isn't a need. Starbucks isn't a need. A new phone isn't a need. And then you complain about their fathers not paying enough, but it sounds like you tap them out also! And then bitch about the phone he got your child? It isn't good enough?
And that isn't enough, you have to harass your poor neighbor and let your kids be cruel to her dog just because she won't sign over her tax return check to you? Do you even know that lady well enough to ask?
What the hell is wrong with you?
anonymous 3 hours ago
Samantha 3 hours ago
What exactly is she is as boss babe of? She can't even feed her own kids and thinks she is owed other people's tax returns.
Mack 3 hours ago
"I got FOUR fuckin' kids and aint no one doing goddamn thing to help ME out with nothing!"
Use contraceptives for fuck's sake! Why should my tax money that I worked to earn pay for your irresponsability? Also, tax returns are taxpayers' money. It's not an entitlement and it's not yours either. Create a **** account and beg.
anonymous 3 hours ago
Tabitha. 36 minutes ago