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BLM rant

Ah yes black Americans playing the victims as hard as ever with their flags and fucking stupid policies. And they’re such the victims but we’re supposed to be less white and be ashamed of being white but god forbid anyone ever say something about a being black. God damn this is fucked up I mean do you not realize that they’re trying to wash our brains out to believe that they are the superior race and eventually the blm will become a neo nazi anti white extermination group. This is bullshit we need to put a stop to it!!! All people are equal period dot end of story no other discussion. It’s just another thing the government uses to keep us at war with each other while they secretly do devious shit behind our backs, like I don’t trust those assholes either. And for the record, to be such a “anti-racist” group they came out and said something about whites being devils, like how is that not fucking racist! Plus it’s owned by a fucking old white man!!! For fucks sake, wake up people!!! And I’m not completely bashing black America but I mean take a look at yourselves, and how y’all act, that’s exactly why people don’t like you so if you don’t want people being racism towards you than stop the stupid preposterous bullshit!! Quit robbing and stealing and killing and trying to constantly escape arrest and maybe just maybe then the cops will chill out.
Anonymous Political April 21, 2024 at 1:47 pm 0
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6 Rant Comments
melania 2 weeks ago
Cops kill black people innocent of any crimes standing in their driveways at home, sitting in their homes, asleep in their homes, for knocking on the door of a home for help after and accident and then try to cover it up or sweep it under the rug as if they don't matter. Well they do, so there it is - BLM.

As for the rest of this fool op's rant, it's what a fool believes. Sure all people are created equal in the biological since, but there is most definitely a type of racial caste/class system that comes into play afterwards, and everyone knows this. It's why black man doing a activity considered upper class like bird watching can still be put in peril of death by cops by a vindictive white woman who knows she is of the empowered racial caste no matter her class ranking.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
Yeah imma just go out on an assumption that you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about so just shut the fuck up. You’re the racist asshole you even said it that not all races are equal, what a fucking moronic ass comment, when you gave no actual examples of white privilege , which doesn’t exist and is my point exactly. Do You just want to embarrass yourself? You asshole snowflake grow up and wake up dumbass. There’s nothing wrong with this rant it’s speaking truth and whether you like it or not truth doesn’t give a singular shit about your little trigger happy leftist feelings. So stay mad fuckhead
Bill.B 2 weeks ago
The problem is is when fee fees take over any given movement to the point they push out all logic and reason. At it's extreme, it turns intova witch hunt with the group worked up to the point that they are desperately looking for a 'witch' to 'burn'. The standard of defining what the 'witch' is begins to lower. This kind of thing happened all too often throughout human history and this is known as extremism.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
trump4evber 2 weeks ago
Wow! Are you as stupid as you sound? Also… learn to use the correct words-miss I’m to white. Your wording reeks of a dysfunctional trump worshipper. That’s coming from a white man. Idiot!
Jim 2 weeks ago
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