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Big booties have officially gone out of style

Big booties have officially gone out of style

I’m so glad big butts have officially gone out of style! Blac Chyna and the Kardashian sisters have went and gotten buttock reductions. Cardi B got a lot of fix a flat nodules removed from her butt, earlier this year. All the rich bitches by where I live are having their bbls removed and butts shrunken. Low rise jeans are back in style. The era of small booty is here to stay. Thigh gaps, my fave part of a woman are back by popular demand, too.
Chuck Body September 18, 2023 at 6:01 pm 0
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3 Rant Comments
I never could stand any of the women you mentioned. them and their trashy bratty behavior and flabby asses. pass. no wonder they could never keep no man
jello asses 12 months ago
You sound like a fruit.
anonymous 12 months ago
big asses are fun to bang, but not cool to marry
anonymous 12 months ago
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