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Biden In Fruity Shit

Biden In Fruity Shit

Politics is like a horse trading show where buyers can look at the horse to make sure it's fit. But Biden's a gift horse that stopped another 4yrs of Trump Shit Show Part 2, so why look the gift horse in the mouth then? Because it was old, out to pasture when returned to service, and now it's even more decrepit.

ABC's Biden "make or break interview" w/ George Stephanopoulos is being taped and not aired live. This is a red flag. Can he not handle a live sit down interview with "friendly" host that will be lobbing the question as softly as possible to not put that much pressure on him? A true assessment in real time to judge if something is a stutter stuck or a cognitive decline impairment causing inability to form coherent thought is off the table now because it will be edited after being taped in the morning when the elderly in cognitive decline perform better when they are less fatigued.

The interview, whose air time has been moved to tonight Friday instead of Sunday to try and stem Biden's noticeable dip in polls, is nothing more than a dog and pony show to distract from Biden's bed he made, shitted up on television live - which is still stinking a week later, but now the shit is fruity, and Biden's to incapacitated to swat the flies.
anonymous Political July 05, 2024 at 10:02 am 2
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"ABC's Biden "make or break interview" w/ George Stephanopoulos is being taped and not aired live. "

Probably because he has other things to do and does not follow a TV network's schedule? Next you will be in conspiracy mode over East Coast/West Coast tape delayed, or maybe that 40 or so second delay on "live" broadcasts which is done in case someone drops a major F-bomb or perhaps decides to cap themselves on live TV.
anonymous 2 days ago
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