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Getting pissed over video games

Getting pissed over video games

If the video game that goes beep and bloop makes me angry, I'll just play another game that goes beep and bloop. If they piss off enough people, others will do the same. And many of these games are designed to act like drugs, manipulating the reward centers of your brain, and other parts of it involved in gambling and addiction. They are designed to empty your wallet and they hope you won't notice.

"hErE iZ sOmE aRmOr tHaT wIlL iCrEaSe yOuR hP tO 300! That will be 10$ dollars please. Visa or MasterCard?"

Fuck that shit. Aquiring virtual boobles and bobbles that are useless in the real world, and you lose them all anyway when those running the game decide they extracted all the money they could out of the rubes and pull the plug on that particular operation.
anonymous Other July 07, 2024 at 11:59 pm 2
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You are addicted to killing people in video games. You get a dopamine high with every kill and you love upsetting people and feed off their reactions because it makes you feel powerful. You are against people playing video games or using the internet because you don't want people to be able to educate themselves with non-fascist information. It makes it hard for you and your buddies to speead pro-fascist propaganda. The enemy of religion is education. Furthermore you are a total hypocrite considering those same video game players are the ones who have been funding your cushy lifestyle for years. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. People have every right to be angry when you and your cheating dopamine addicted buddies target people relentlessly. You expect people to bend over and like it as you virtually fuck them over. News flash. Only your lickspittle boot lickers are into that.
anonymous 3 months ago
There is no problem with playing video games, but if they are allowing their wallets to be emptied with every little brain reward center hit these companies throw at their players so they keep coming back for more, then I'd say that it's a huge problem. Don't forget that these companies actually hire psychologists (I'd like to call those particular ones qwacks but the seem to know what they are doing) to "fine tune" what supply to give the games and how much. We are not talking about playing Mario for maybe 45 minutes at a time, we're talking about hours and whole days in front of the screen being manipulated by people who maximize the amount of "microtransactions" they get from their user base and to hell with whatever real world damage this is causing to people's lives.
anonymous 3 months ago
"because you don't want people to be able to educate themselves with non-fascist information. "

WTF? So pointing out what these companies do turns me into Hitler or Mussolini? Yeah, damn them from holding back the Atari 2600 for so long with their political views.

"It makes it hard for you and your buddies to speead pro-fascist propaganda. The enemy of religion is education. "

And now this is somehow related to religion. Dear freemium video game companies, I have sinned against the and I must go to the confession booth to give thou a more detailed description of my sins against thee.
anonymous 3 months ago
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