best dating

99.9999% of relationships are like this

99.9999% of relationships are like this

The guy is a braindead, immature, short tempered, crybaby retard. He likes TV, porn, and video games. He doesn't want to take care of chores or anything. He wants a woman in his life to act as his mother, but also someone he can fuck at any time. The guy behaves like a retard and isn't there for the woman emotionally, and she doesn't exactly want to do the humpty dumpty with a braindead retard. So, he bitches and complains to his friends and co-workers on how he isn't gettin any.

The woman is a lazy, self-centered brat too. Like the guy, they just got with someone because they felt they had to be with someone. Good chance neither even finds the other one all that attractive. The woman likes to burn through the guy's money. Thinks it's a game and sees it as a personal challange. They better go out to eat all the time. He better pay for all the shit she's ordering. He better provide.

The guy likely boasted early on about how much money he made. Instead of living within their means, they have to live far beyond them and make themselves poor in the process. Eating out, booze, tattoos, vapes, cigarettes, fast food, a million subscriptions, weekend trips to tourist shit holes. All these things cost money, and doing this has it to where they are barely getting by. Everything becomes a fight about money and how the hell they're going to make it this month.

They fight and bitch, eat meals in silence, and spend most of their time watching TV on opposite ends of the house. But oh, look at the picture on Facebook of them painting a grin at Bucee's. Aren't they special?

So, the guy expects a coddling, enabling, mother he can fuck. The woman expects some prince charming who kisses her ass and is there for her emotionally (something that makes retarded women unattracted to a guy for being) and makes a billion dollars a year. Ends up with a poor, retarded, loser who spends his time playing pocket pool and Call of Duty.
anonymous Relationships March 22, 2025 at 3:02 pm 0
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3 Rant Comments
I do not agree. But then again, I am a brown woman. My experiences are different. I used to be poor, but now I am very comfortable. My perspectives are different from a white man's outlook.
I always pay for the food on the date or we split.
I am currently planning on dating a poor guy because he is at least caring.
Caring, love and trust is most important to make a marriage work.
Susan 1 day ago
^brown women don't pay I've dated and fucked brown women. Thats made up. Also op If she needs emotional support by your definition shes a retard like him. Did it occur to you men and women simply have maternal needs? But sure women can be difficult but alot of that is women seeking validation from other women they feel good seeing what a man will do for her. Now its toxic but thats what we have trained young women to do, its also why women are finding themselves childless at 45 and never having children. I mean I have sympathy but women see it as self respect to sort of push a man around but I actually have had women hit on me 39 years old and say she wants a baby and i have rejected her ooint blank and she tried to convince me but I dumped her ass. Nice girl but too old. I was 29 at the time and unfortunately for her she learned waiting until you are 39 to have kids,find a man, is ruining your own life and it has consequences so now shes unmarried missed the boat and during her 20sno doubt had opportunities with men but didmt want them she probably said I dont nedd a man but they needed her, so when ahe needs them later they say well you dont need me and I dont need an old woman who didnt want me at her best now you want me at your worse goodbye. So its a concerning trend where siciety is falling apart
anonymous 1 day ago
I am not all 'brown women'. Every brown woman is different. I pay for the food or I split the cost. I am thinking of staying away from dating for a while.
Susan 1 day ago
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