I live with 2 cats and 2 dogs and I'm a minor(which is kind of important). I have a brother who's technically a legal adult(18) but dropped out of highschool and also he has ADHD(which is also maybe important). Generally, he's a but more immature which might be because of his disability maybe not. Either way, hes just immature. When we were younger we were way closer, but we grew apart. He was always an asshole but I idolized him since I was younger so I noticed it less/ignored it. But since I became older and more aware I started despising him because of the way he acted. He made my mom cry all the time, he was creep(to girls and to others), he'd look into my room when he thought I was asleep, he's selfish to an extreme degree, I think he has violent thoughts sometimes and acts on them(maybe impulsively) and I don't think he's ever going to change. But anyway. I've had my cats for about 5 years now and theyre my light. They're also siblings who came together. I love all my pets and I really really appreciate them because they kept my company during covid. And my brother has never had a problem with them. But recently he's started becoming obsessed with my female cat and hating her brother. I think its because he play fights with her sometimes and he thinks its him trying to hurt her?? My brother also used to be 'bullied' and never did anything about it so maybe he's projecting onto my female cat. Anyway. It started out small. Just glaring at him and shit like that but then he started flipping him off(with other people in the room), locking him in rooms, calling him an asshole, and maybe even hurting him physically. It's really starting to stress me out and I've been trying to tell my mom who's yelled at him a couple times but she doesn't understand the degree of severity. She loves my brother so obviously she's going to be that way and sometimes it's made her be a bit blindsided about things and I didn't care then because it was never that serious. But it's genuinely starting to stress out my male cat who's naturally jumpy and anxious. I want to be honest it's really really making me hate him. To the extent where I want him out of the house. But I know that's never going to happen. And I know he's doing this because my poor baby boy can't fight back because he's just an animal. I hate this so much. And some times I wonder if it's karma for me hating him so much. But why should it deflect onto my boy? Please please please just what do I even do in this situation? I'm scared. I think he's genuinely a psychopath who's impulsive and stupid. Atleast stupid enough to convince himself that my cat is purposefully bullying his own sister(???). He's always been this way. The type of person who can't be convinced that he's in the wrong. Fuck..what do I do it's making me worried and I don't feel safe leaving my cat alone.
anonymousRelationships March 23, 2025 at 8:33 pm10
Ugh, what a fucking bastard. Some people really fucking disgust me, like I know her has adhd and all that shit, but that is fucking ridicules. The poor fucking cat. I love animals, cats specifically and for someone to act like that really makes me pissed. Like, bitch, LEAVE THE POOR FUCKING ANIMAL ALONE. You should prob do something or keep a camera in ur house or something cuz that cat is most likely not safe home alone with ur brother. anonymous 3 days ago
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anonymous 3 days ago