So I was just thinking of a game we sometimes played as kids. I don't know the name of it, or if there is even an official name, but basically the game is: each person in the circle says a word, then the next person says a word, and so on, forming a …
its getting worse, im getting more flash back and memorys and its killing me. idk how much longer i can keep going with these panick attacks and urinating myself. yes i have a therapist but we havent gotten that far yet.
i've noticed in the past year or two i've slowly been developing worse memory. like i'll forget that i was asked to do something, or about a project's due date, or an entire conversation. sometimes i look back at old dms or old rants on my phone and …
I had something on my mind to rant about. Then technology decided to interfere. First - I had to do an update. Second - I couldn't log in to any websites after the update. Third - I had to use a different device to figure out how to tame the …