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You people have no idea what you about to start

You people have no idea what you about to start

Hey america understand one thing if Trump wins and does that mass Deportation none of you in this country will be able to life a weapon at them how ever they no Doubt right now have a gun and are ready to use it when Trump starts all of that trash....3 million immigrants may be in this country atm and all of them are ready to defend their lives your putting American's future in Jeopardy for being a hate monger...the moment Trump tries to go through with that stuff is the moment their will be alot of death in America because just as you have the right to protect yourselves so do they and I feel sorry for the army and Military because they will become the targets you people have no idea what your about to start
anonymous Political October 22, 2024 at 7:16 pm 1
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7 Rant Comments
Trump is king!
anonymous 2 hours ago
Trump is sexy!
anonymous 2 hours ago
Trump is the best president ever!
anonymous 2 hours ago
Trump is forever!
anonymous 2 hours ago
-===MEGACHOMP 9000===-

anonymous 2 hours ago
The dee portation of 174.6 million disloyal non-obedient turds will make us all rich when added to the 1,000% tariffs and the no taxes or regulations on the ruling class of billionaires... we will be happy or be deported.
loomerz 1 hour ago
There's no a whitey on this forum or in my stratesphere that can name ONE TIME an immigrant from a brown country has impacted them negatively. No whitey is out there doing that hard assed labor shit. NOT ONE WHITEY!
anonymous 1 hour ago
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