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why trump why?

why trump why?

i hate tiktok and was glad to see it was going why give americans more brainrot than what they already have? just get rid kf the damn apo surely people didnt centre their entire lives around it... oh wait they did. they have such sad lives that they cry about an app being removed. it was for ur own good. go out touch grass live a little. i was also waiting for facebook to be banned everywhere sadly its still around tho

people in the 1800s found other things to fill their time with but people nowadays mope about apps being deleted or banned boo freaking hoo if they were in the 1800s they wouldnt be crying about just an app theyd have bigger issues to cry about in those days. honestly i hate that app though its the worst next to twitter or x which doesnt have any identity anymore lmao
anonymous Political January 19, 2025 at 4:43 pm 0
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That's literally because Trump does want to keep the majority of the populace stupid. Stupid people are easily distracted and love shiny shit. So when Trump or Trump's allies have TikTok, it'll keep him popular and may even indirectly fuel more money being directed into his already large bank accounts. That's why. Of course the thots and whores are crying bloody murder because I guess OnlyFans isn't enough to really capitalize on their whorishness towards desperate, thirsty, lonely men they call paypigs.
anonymous 4 weeks ago
I don't use Tik Tok because it's a waste of time, but I confirmed that it was indeed down on the web site, and I find this to be unnerving. Can you say government overreach. Also the "thank Trump" on the page made it even more disturbing.

They could've easily written "Due to a legal dispute with the US government, we have to suspend our service in the US at this time. Hopefully this issue will be resolved shortly, and be sure to check back for updates regarding this situation ." and it wouldn't have seemed so bad.

Get ready for a historical shit storm. :-/
anonymous 4 weeks ago
Okay, poster above me. To summarize, take what I said above, now substitute Trump for TikTok, and there you go. Don't you know anything with money sells? Do I like it? No. But it's again, the nature of the beast. You acting like this actually makes me think you're no better than the idiotic TikTokkers doing their stupid shit for all to see at the cost of paranoid fear of actually talking face to face much less looking at someone and making a snap judgment based on that alone. You're gonna have to be more adept and in order to be more adept, you're gonna have to be 100% cynical and distrusting of humanity. Yet, not be a victim of that darkness. Until you can balance them you'll be talking like a perpetual little child amazed by all the bad or some other stuff going on and quite frankly that'll get tiring emotionally, maybe for you.
anonymous 4 weeks ago
^Feel better belting out on this person with your shitty, belittling attitude?

You could've just said "don't be trusting of humanity" and be done with it, and I don't see where the poster was naively trusting humanity, except maybe expecting a business to be professional and politically agnostic in it's dealing with the public.

But back to the point, you decided to be a condencending wordsmith and frankly, made yourself look like a cunt.
anonymous 4 weeks ago
Tiktok is/was being taken over by shitty maga pedos, catholics, and shitty momfluencers.
So i dropped it harder than a republic wife after buring the roast.
WW 4 weeks ago
I don't hear about people on these anti social media platforms talking philosophy or advanced science.

But I do hear about stuff like "That bitch ho dissed me at the Kwik-E-Mart and online, and we are about to beat her ass (on livestream)".

Shit shock could've been forever banned and the world would probably have been the better for it.
anonymous 4 weeks ago
This poster above me with what social media is, the truth of it and using what I call it, has it right. You, the one, two above this post I highlighted, to be more frank, calling the poster a cunt and using really small words you think make you the best because you "Simplified" it, but just makes you look incapable of advanced, deep, molecular type thought and just a mouth breathing knuckledragger, are the ones I am railing, or really showing tough love towards the OP for. You're also I will estimate, the HEAVIEST consumer of the Anti Social apps. Your mind is as weak as a person who doesn't lift or do any exercise and just reads books and does intellectual pursuits, or play mind and card games like Pokemon and Dungeons & Dragons. And this is physical attributes for your information. I'm not gonna baby this person because that person needs to know now, WAY sooner than later how fucked up life is gonna get with again, all the psychos and nuts not just on the streets, but even in government and that's a bipartisan issue. Just like you would tell a physically weak person to go lift, bro, I'll tell you to hit your local library and hit the books, ignorant one, so you know what may happen to you, and how to cope and even make it work for you when something goes down. Speaking more than two syllables and more than one paragraph is A OK and you won't be shamed for being a "Nerd" or "Dork" or any stupid sayings like that. It may improve much less save your life. Unless you like watching and even worse, causing unnecessary beefs with people for clicks and views because you're bored. Then by all means, get yourself exterminated right away so me and other commenters who will see such a blatantly illogical, even hostile display of anti logic can laugh at your stupid demise. I'll be that cunt, because I got that IQ and will still be alive. YOU, on the other hand, may be on them GUBMINT HANDOUTS and need DADDY GUBMINT to be your new parental replacement. I'm 100% independent. I can at least say I have no authoritative parents and am self sufficient unlike the way you behave. Stay scared of words. But I got a new year's resolution for you: Overcome that fear. Yu'll be grateful you did and even thank me, albeit you'll never know who I am.
anonymous 4 weeks ago
anonymous 4 weeks ago
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