I’m not entirely sure why I'm writing now. It’s midnight on a Saturday and I have nothing better to do I guess. Since you've taken time out of your ”eventful” life to read this I suppose I should give you something in exchange for your time. This universe holds an unfathomable amount of information. One could spend living through the lives of every individual to ever exist or will exist and still not fully grasp the irrationality of the cosmos e call home. There is no objective “right” or “̈wrong ̈in the universe for it has no thought, no action. It seeks not and desires none. The universe, to put it frankly, is a drunkard. It´s a lazy soup of particles drifting through it ́s existence without a thought. As the drunkard drinks, the universe expands. However, the drunkard is ignorant to the pain it causes to itself. The drunkard does not drink to feel, drinking its just what the drunkard does. The drunkard adds more and more to his innards, completely ignorant that everything going on inside of him is an absolute shit show. Now that I’m writing this, I’m realizing the drunkard is similar to the supposed “God” that created the universe.
God is a fucking bastard. This almighty, omniscient being has created so many unbelievable painful things to torture the helpless habitants of this twisted claustrophobic universe. He sits in “heaven” spouting about the “free will he’s given to humanity when in actuality, free will as the thought of by God, is utter nonsense. Every decision ever made is composed of factors influencing the consciousness of the decision-maker. Therefore, the decision he/she makes is something that comes from influences throughout his/her life. So, the only person truly guilty is the god that created this demented torture themed amusement park that we call the universe. Now, I’m not saying people who cause pain intentionally shouldn’t be punished. I am saying that when it comes to deciding their fate for the rest of eternity, there shouldn’t be a decision because everything in his or her life was put in place, controlled, and manipulated by God.
How can God say he loves me when he would watch burn in ceaseless agony for eternity because I don’t believe in him? The idea of God terrifies me. No one, no one, no matter how many atrocities they commit, no matter how much pain they cause, should not suffer for an eternity. It pains me to say his because there are evil people in the world. But if we live in a universe with a God, whatever crimes they commit are his fault. Why? Why would he hurt the children he says he loves. God isn’t real, at least not in the way a majority of religious people believe him to be. It terrifies me to write this. Afraid of God’s unblinking, peering vision tearing open my soul and forcing into me the most unimaginable pain for all eternity. How can someone believe in a deity that makes so much pain? Some may say it isn’t God’s fault, it’s the Devil’s. To this I say, is a parent not responsible for the child? Isn’t a child a representation of what values the parent has given them? God allows the devil to exist to strike fear into us helpless mortals. Like a sick parent who threatens his or her child by beating their sibling in front of them. God choked the Devil into hell, a threat for all humans who stray too far from “the word of God”.
Speaking of the word of god, how come the bible is an absolute abomination? Why are there so many contradictions why is there so much bigotry so much hatred hypocrisy nonsense? I can’t stand it!!! How can so many people believe in something so ridiculous? Good FUcking GOd. FUCKING ridiculous. Treat others as you want to be treated. I’ve never seen a rule so simple raped by so many people. Millions upon millions of people raped, tortured, killed, all under the watchful, “loving” eye of God. I hate it. I hate I hate it I hate it I HATE IT I FUCKING HATE IT FUUCK. People will constantly defend the bible despite the countless contradictions. In my experience, it seems like that person is defending their egos and way of life rather than the actual “logic” behind the bible. I think the bible does have some very good suggestions on how to live your life like giving to those who have little. But this overshadowed by the rapes, murder, torture, pedophilia, and bigotry in the bible. I don’t have a problem with people following the parts of the bible that promote the wellbeing of others, but the fact that I have to say this means followers of God pick and choose parts of the bible to follow, meaning they don’t actually believe in the bible, just parts they like. The bible not only limits people but society as well. The church was and still is an abomination. Refusing to accept the science because it goes against conventional thinking. This represents the majority of how religious people work. They rule with an iron fist over their domain. What they say goes no matter how wrong or how far stray from what they said they believe in.
Another thing that upsets me is the fact as I am born I am a sinner. Like, what the fuck did I do to be a sinner before I open my eyes? I guess God considers my existence to be so disgusting that he condemns me for surviving the 9 months in the womb. Which is strange since having an abortion is also considered a sin. Hmm, God should make up his fucking mind. And that prick Jesus. Holy fuck have you ever read about someone who claimed to be free us of our sins but is the person that is responsible for those sins existing? And what is it with Jesus always being white? He was middle eastern. Wack.
And don't even consider coming out as agnostic to your parents. For something so egregious you deserve to burn for eternity. Blow me you sick fuck.
In conclusion, I think the idea of God is a steamy pile of nonsense that only contributes to the negativity that splits apart the world.
anonymousReligion November 24, 2019 at 12:58 am00
This thing you refer to does not exist. No one has seen the thing and I will never believe in anything until I have seen it. Pleb 5 years ago
Until one of the 50,000 (literally) gods man has worshipped during it's existence can be arsed to take 5 seconds to say "Howdy!" to the woeld, I'm not a believer.
Sadly, people kill and let themselves be killed in the name of some invisible, made up entity.
I could make up some character, put the burden on others to prove that my entity does NOT exist, and I will have followers I can manipulate to do my bidding. This is far from dead, as we have bullshit such as the Jedi religion gaining popularity. :( anonymous 5 years ago
Here is proof that the Jedi religion is already causing damage:
"Star Wars" actor Mark Hamill has sent a message of support after a boy refused to fight bullies because it’s not “the Jedi way.” Aiden Vazquez, 10, from California was beaten by bullies at school and refused to fight back because “it was not the Jedi way.” Hamill, who portrayed Jedi knight Luke Skywalker in the “Star Wars” franchise, tweeted his support for the young man. “I'm so proud of you for showing that you can be a Jedi in real life,” Hamill wrote"
(You can use Google to verify it)
I wonder if we will make it through the next century before people kill over Darth Vader. :\ anonymous 5 years ago
I am not religious in any way, I do not beleive in any god. So I can tell you without a clouded judgement that every single problem humanity faces today, is self created, is centred in greed, selfishness, ignorance and a complete lack of ability to take responsiblity for what we have done, an example of this is your post, blaming god for it, we are the assholes, not god. Trevor 5 years ago
Yahweh is a child molesting f4gg0t, and an evil torturing piece of shit.
Burn Yahweh down! Fucking fake love sexual pervert pedo f4gg0tz should never be allowed to exist.
Burn Heaven down and lets all fuck Yahweh up the ass with a big toilet plunger handle. Let's carve up it's face with swastikas and burn it alive! BANZAI! anonymous 5 years ago
"post, blaming god for it, we are the assholes, not god."
Go eat shit, and take your demented little fantasy KKKreature and stick it where the sun don't shine. anonymous 5 years ago
I wouldn't be going around calling God a "bastard" If I were you I'd pray and ask for forgiveness. You'll be sorry if not. Josh 5 years ago
i lost respect for christians on a deep level because they are so fucking goddamn stupid and imbacile that the choose to be delusional and ignore the suffering in the world and the people suffering for eternity in hell. so they can live their happy-go-lucky praise lives and go to heaven with their hypocrite halos over their heads. anonymous 5 years ago
JESUS H CHRIST 1 year ago
God had no father. Nothing 11 months ago
God is not only a bastard but he’s a goddamn fucking asshole. Apart from that, he doesn’t exist anonymous 2 days ago
All gods are necessary elements of control, and are created and called upon by the self appointed rulers as justifications and inspirations for what the kings were going to do, anyway. Urine T time, now 2 days ago
12 Rant Comments
Pleb 5 years ago
Sadly, people kill and let themselves be killed in the name of some invisible, made up entity.
I could make up some character, put the burden on others to prove that my entity does NOT exist, and I will have followers I can manipulate to do my bidding. This is far from dead, as we have bullshit such as the Jedi religion gaining popularity. :(
anonymous 5 years ago
"Star Wars" actor Mark Hamill has sent a message of support after a boy refused to fight bullies because it’s not “the Jedi way.” Aiden Vazquez, 10, from California was beaten by bullies at school and refused to fight back because “it was not the Jedi way.” Hamill, who portrayed Jedi knight Luke Skywalker in the “Star Wars” franchise, tweeted his support for the young man. “I'm so proud of you for showing that you can be a Jedi in real life,” Hamill wrote"
(You can use Google to verify it)
I wonder if we will make it through the next century before people kill over Darth Vader. :\
anonymous 5 years ago
Trevor 5 years ago
Burn Yahweh down! Fucking fake love sexual pervert pedo f4gg0tz should never be allowed to exist.
Burn Heaven down and lets all fuck Yahweh up the ass with a big toilet plunger handle. Let's carve up it's face with swastikas and burn it alive! BANZAI!
anonymous 5 years ago
Go eat shit, and take your demented little fantasy KKKreature and stick it where the sun don't shine.
anonymous 5 years ago
Josh 5 years ago
anonymous 5 years ago
JESUS H CHRIST 1 year ago
Nothing 11 months ago
anonymous 2 days ago
Urine T time, now 2 days ago