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What the hell are you people thinking

What the hell are you people thinking

Trump is a Sexual Predator he was once quoted on Live TV saying "Grab her by the Pussy" I don't like saying that because I was raised to respect women but it is 100% true he feels women should not be allowed to say No when a man walks up and puts their hands on a woman in Inappropriate spots of her body .....if I am not mistaken that is rape...Anyone that wants Trump as a President should not be allowed near A Voting Booth.
steve Political September 18, 2023 at 6:40 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
Your a pussy.
anonymous 1 year ago
Because they are worried about the supposed "transexual menace" and that somehow he is going to turn America into some 50s Leave it to Beaver fantasy.

There has to be an entry in the DSM manual that explains what causes people to ignore the bad things in a leader in order to try to earn a perceived reward.
anonymous 1 year ago
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