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We are being set up

We are being set up

Framing this from the start of Obama's term to now, we are being set up for the New World Order in the US. The constant extreme political flip flopping, the sowing of confusion and division, it's was all designed and planned. I still had my doubts until seeing stores getting continually looted in San Francisco and NYC (with no riot going on), and the police being nerfed to the point that it they couldn't really do anything about it. "If we catch you, you have to give it to us so we can put that stuff back. Better luck next time." this defied all logic and reason, and reality itself. This is where the people pulling the strings got a bit too cocky and made a whole lot of people go "What the actual fuck"? Maybe they learned their lesson and won't make such a blunder again.

And now we continue to see stuff cloaked as "saving America" but actually harming it in the long run. The goal is to create a desperate population that will accept whatever knight comes and "saves the day". Some people believe it's "the anti-Christ", but I believe it's going to just be another human emperor taken up a couple notches from all other emperors in history. In fact, I expect a panel of emperors but all in it together for a common goal. But whatever the case may be, it's going to be a very rotten system for everyone except those at the very top, and the ones who toady the most and are heartless psychopaths.

Trump is not a king, he's just another pawn, a tool of the people who are actually pulling all of the strings.

What sucks is that most people still think that the New World Order is just some kooky conspiracy theory that a bunch of loners bandi on about, but when it gets to the point that most people realize it's not just a conspiracy theory, it might already be far too late.
anonymous Other March 11, 2025 at 8:55 pm 1
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You are a paranoid conspiracy theory weirdo, OP.
anonymous 8 hours ago
The new world order IS just some kooky conspiracy theory that a bunch of losers such as yourself bandi on about.
anonymous 8 hours ago
No. You are being lied to.
anonymous 7 hours ago
Turn off the news and internets, nothing has changed. Same old boring life day after day, all of this divisive stuff is going on so people can make, blogs, talking heads, videos, they're all trying to get "clicks" "Subscribers", etc so THEY can make money.
Carleton 5 hours ago
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