-Israel is right, Palestine is wrong. Israel is a country founded by the most persecuted minority in history (to the point of several genocides in their history), in a land that belonged to them in the first place by thousands of years. And they are surrounded by countries that want to annihilate them. There are no "innocent" Palestinians, every man woman and child has been conditioned by their putrid belief system (Islam) to think everyone must die but them. The quicker we kill them off, the better mankind will be.
-Women need men, more than men need women. The world has been (and will be constructed and advanced by men). To the point that we let women pretend they don't need us. I have yet to see women constructing bridges, railroads, buildings, signing in droves for the military in the front lines, or even making actual contributions to science other than a few remarkable exceptions. So they should really stop it with their frigidity and cuntiness. Otherwise they will be easily replaced by AI fuck dolls and artificial uteruses.
-Trump is awful. But the democrats and the alt left are the worst. The narcissism and the psychopathy on the left has decimated any chance of reasonable people voting for them, and it's going to continue.
-Gender is BINARY. Except for a few diseases, you have a set of chromosomes in every cell of your body that make you who you are.
-Vaccines are safe. A lot of them unnecessary, yes. But they are safe, well studied and you are not a scientist nor a doctor. So STFU and take the poke, at least for consideration towards other human beings (which I know you do not have).
-White people are better than most of the world. Proof of this is most of the world is swimming, running, crossing deserts and drowning at sea trying to get to where the white people live. Because their homes and their society are cleaner, safer, and a little less corrupt. You want more proof? Once white people embrace the darker people, their country becomes dirtier, dangerous and more corrupt. Please stop pretending this isn't true.
trutherOther January 16, 2025 at 8:59 am22
No one gaf. Enough w shit no one gives a rats ass about unless they physically live there. Get goals and get a life Uweirdaf 1 week ago
Hard truths, but real talk bruh 1 week ago
With the mighty sword of our Grate Lord King Trump we can invade everywhere and make them all satellite states....just think S America, Afrika, Europe, Asia, Mexico, Canada, ALL the ISLANDS and all the planets....obedient and loyal to TRUMP as supreme ruler. Yay trump4evber 1 week ago
WE LOVE MENTAL HEALTH anonymous 4 hours ago
MWNTAL HEALTH anonymous 4 hours ago
MWNTAL HEALTH anonymous 4 hours ago
Suicide prevention anonymous 4 hours ago
Suicide prevention if you need mental help we are here to help.
8 Rant Comments
Uweirdaf 1 week ago
bruh 1 week ago
trump4evber 1 week ago
anonymous 4 hours ago
anonymous 4 hours ago
anonymous 4 hours ago
anonymous 4 hours ago
anonymous 4 hours ago