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Trans erasure

Trans erasure

Did you know that 95% of children with gender dysphoria naturally resolve their feelings if they're allowed to undergo puberty? The fact that this information has been withheld is deeply troubling. When transgender children are not placed on puberty blockers and hormones, the majority end up identifying with their assigned gender and avoid pursuing medical interventions such as hormone therapy or surgery. These interventions oftentimes result in a higher risk of mental health issues, including suicide. By allowing natural hormone changes to occur, these children often find comfort in their bodies. This phenomenon is called trans-erasure.

Not all transgender individuals are aware of their identity during childhood, so the impact of puberty on transgender erasure extends beyond those who are aware. What about all of the people who were never put on puberty blockers simply because they were unaware they wanted them? Some argue that preteens are too young to consent to puberty blockers, but then shouldn't they also be considered too young to consent to the irreversible effects of puberty, similar to how they are deemed too young to consent to other adult activities?

Puberty erases transgender people from existence. It's an act of genocide when you develop the ability to spread your genes. This is well documented as the Nazis genocided the Jews by injecting them with fertility-boosting drugs and the Turks genocided the Armenians by encouraging them to have more children.

However, there is hope. We can support transgender youth by providing them with the option to undergo medical interventions at a young age. Advocating for measures that allow minors to access these treatments can prevent the erasure of transgender people. If we fail to do so, the transgender movement risks losing momentum.
anonymous Body April 25, 2024 at 3:21 pm 0
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4 Rant Comments
"Did you know that 95% of children with gender dysphoria naturally resolve their feelings if they're allowed to undergo puberty?"

They've probably not. A child puberty age has certainly learned it is easier "to go along to get along" in this world. Faking it until they make it (to be who they truly are & live a happy life somewhere less judgmental), or can't take it (a life of poor mental health for them, and others roped into their fake world like SOs chosen not out of love but societal expectations.)
anonymous 1 week ago
Did you know transgender per don't exist they are just misfits? Honestly fuck. Get a grip.
anonymous 1 week ago
James 1 week ago
Lol this is good satire. Trans-people have never had any credibility.
anonymous 1 week ago
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