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Tired of hearing about other countries

Tired of hearing about other countries

Why should I care about them? They don't care about me. I'm tired of giving to people who don't give back. Fuck them.
anonymous Other March 02, 2025 at 2:47 pm 3
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8 Rant Comments
The US is not the center of the universe, misanthrope. Why should anyone care about you? You don't care about me.
anonymous 14 hours ago
now crab and sing in the most deep death metal voice you can muster

::jij jin jin jin::
::jij jin jin jin::
::jij jin jin jin::
::jij jin jin jin::
::jij jin jin jin::

anonymous 12 hours ago

1. Spanish: Eres un idiota
2. French: Tu es un idiot
3. German: Du bist ein Idiot
4. Italian: Sei un idiota
5. Portuguese: Você é um idiota
6. Russian: Ты идиот (Ty idiot)
7. Chinese (Simplified): 你是个白痴 (Nǐ shì ge báichī)
8. Japanese: あなたはバカです (Anata wa baka desu)
9. Korean: 넌 바보야 (Neon babo-ya)
10. Arabic: أنت أحمق (Anta ahmaq)
11. Hindi: तुम बेवकूफ हो (Tum bewakoof ho)
12. Turkish: Sen bir salaksın
13. Dutch: Je bent een idioot
14. Swedish: Du är en idiot
15. Danish: Du er en idiot
16. Norwegian: Du er en idiot
17. Finnish: Olet idiootti
18. Thai: คุณเป็นคนโง่ (Khun bpen khon ngô)
19. Vietnamese: Bạn là một kẻ ngu ngốc
20. Hebrew: אתה אידיוט (Ata idiot)
21. Malay: Anda seorang idiot
22. Bengali: তুমি একজন বোকা (Tumi ekjon boka)
23. Filipino (Tagalog): Ikaw ay isang hangal

anonymous 11 hours ago
The language of our Soupream Leeder the Pharaoh TRUMP is the onliest tongue we is gonna uses.
anonymous 11 hours ago
Some USAID guy was interviewed after agency shut down and said he worked on only Sudan area for his whole 25yr in the place. If he's been at it for that long and the place is still shithole then that was good US taxpayer money not well spent for sure. The place shows absolutely no signs of that effort. And the US will be seeing no return on that effort. That money could have been spent at home on projects in our rural areas.
anonymous 11 hours ago
^ I have mixed feelings about all of that and we really need to be taking care of our own in America. But I expect Trump to fuck this up and he will do it intentionally.
anonymous 8 hours ago
"The language of our Soupream Leeder the Pharaoh TRUMP is the onliest tongue we is gonna uses"

Dumb fuck.
anonymous 8 hours ago
^To put this bluntly, I expect Trump and his friends to flat out rob those USAid coffers and Americans don't get shit in savings.
anonymous 8 hours ago
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