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Its retarded to hate Trump

Its retarded to hate Trump

If you don't like or agree with Trump, fine. But this whole "I'm edgy and cool for having the generic opinion people have had since 2016. Twump bhadddd" shit makes you look like an original retard. It's like how SNL is nothing but that shit.
anonymous Political March 03, 2025 at 1:47 am 5
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Great comments. Shitty OP.
anonymous 10 hours ago
Retarded? Do you label blacks as the n-word and Latinos as the s-word too? The mentally challenged are not the r-word, you fucking pile of shit. Through no fault of their own, they were born that way just like some people were born left-handed.

It is intelligence that causes people to label Fat Hitler as 'bhadddd' because that is what he is... cruel, xenophobic, racist, selfish, incompetent and the Worst President of the Former US in History. I don't like the word because of its religious connotation, but Fatty is pure EVIL. I don't believe in hell either, but if I am wrong, the flames there will burn significantly brighter on the day he (and you) die.
anonymous 9 hours ago
FUCK YOU cowardly anonymous OP. YOU are the original 'retarded' human trash and too cowardly to even use a name. Nothing but bigoted hate. It bears repeating... FUCK YOU.
Nick 9 hours ago
Thanks for upvoting your own comment, OP!
anonymous 8 hours ago
^ Agreed. The used prophylactic OP must have upvoted his/her/its post. Nobody else would. Yo! Sociopathic subhuman OP... fuck yourself. So you don't forget, fuck yourself before midnight later today. Rip your penis off, stick it in your mouth and suck.
anonymous 8 hours ago
Every single thing that maga (and most republicans) criticize democrats and liberals of - literally EVERY THING - is exactly what they themselves are doing or guilty of.
They won't release the Epstein files because their own names are in them. (Trumps name is there as well.)
Also, Trumps cabinet picks are all masdive reTards who are unfit for the jobs they're supposed to be doing - all of them were recommended due to personal DEI choices by Trump.
And why allow Musk in the Oval office??? Why allow Musks CHILD in the oval office???
Why can't Trump be left alone to serve as POTUS without the backdrop of Musk???
Isn't Vance supposed to be doing what Musk is doing?
Does Twumpy need a Personal Care Attendant? Musk is Trumps PCA.
Too bad we cannot apply TREASON to the list of many things that Trump is doing.

And get ready - prices on everything are going UP and will remain there indefinitely. As long as consumers buy the stuff, those prices will not come down. This is something I've seen happen over the 6 decades of my life so far. Prices never come down - they might adjust by a few cents, but those price reductions don't last long.

Candy bars - I used to sell a few golf balls to golfers through the fence (weird visual, I know) and then go to the store and get TEN candy bars for $1.00. (1970's)
Now (2025) the same candy bars that I used to get are $1.50 for EACH one.
Minimum wage increases have gone up, too. 1978 was $1.85 per hour. (I could get 18 candy bars!)
Now the minimum wage of $7.25 will get me 4 candy bars.

Cost of living is not matching minimum wage. Yet, when wages go up, company profits are less due to payroll demand - so the companies raise their prices again.
Soon, a loaf of bread will cost $10. (Some already do, but I view those as "gourmet" loaves.)

Budget meals that are surprisingly good:
Ramen with stir fry vegetables.
Pasta with any type of sauce.
Rice and vegetables (pilaf)
Spanish, Mexican, or "dirty" rice
Fried rice
Beans and rice (with greens!)

Things to limit: eggs, meats, cheese
Things to avoid: sugars, junk food, candy

I'm so happy I only have a few decades left of my life. This corporate greed stuff, along with classic projection between political parties - it makes me hate certain types of people no matter what their political preference is.

anonymous 7 hours ago
I hate Trump and I kinda have to agree. It's like some people are making a competiton out of it and it's ridiculous. I hate him, but that also means I'm not going to spend my time with thinking about him or going on and on about him because he's not worthy of it. He's a celebrity/showman first and a politicial second, so people should just give him what he wants with his insane politics and behaviour: attention. I bet he'd resign in days if he could no longer get a reaction out of people.
anonymous 7 hours ago
'I hate Trump and I kinda have to agree'

No. You do not. Do you lie like this to give yourself credibility, fraud?
anonymous 7 hours ago
Putin much happy..want more landslide lexions? comiin uppsky.
piroshki pete 6 hours ago
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