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Tired of being bingo ed about having kids

Tired of being bingo ed about having kids

Title says it all. Today I was at the doctor and she told me I am "too young" to think about a bisalp. Friends of mine at my sport practice spent the whole 1hour session trying to persuade me that kids are amazing, like bro, my uterus is none of your business? My boyfriend doesn't want kids either, but I am scared he might... I've seen what parenting looks like in my family, what pregnancy does and, to end it all : I hate kids. My mysophonia can't handle 24/7 crying and stupid blabbering at loud volume. Plus I have a genetic disease and even when I state it, people don't seem to understand, are they ok with a kid being suicidal???? Fuck you all, breeders. Fuck. You. All
Emma Body April 09, 2024 at 11:53 am 0
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2 Rant Comments
Well, you are correct of course, it is your choice, and in the end even if folk do not agree, they must respect and honor your choice.

Just remember, they are simply trying to, in their own way, make sure you are sure about this, it is a 'Rubicon' moment, no turning back.

Whatever you decide, I hope it all works out as you would like and have envisioned and you are happy.
Flick 5 months ago
Right on! Get those tubes tied, tell the boyfriend to laser those vas deferens, and enjoy a child-free life. For every photo your friends post of their children, you can post 10 of your happy faces and hot, stretch-mark-free bodies, while on vacation somewhere they can never go with their loud, snot-nosed, sticky kids.
anonymous 5 months ago
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