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Things my ex did that is straight up horrifying

Things my ex did that is straight up horrifying

1. texted me and said ''pwease'' and ''lil'' and ''luve irl like it was the cutest thing in the whole world
2. wanted me to become his 6'9 dominant alpha mafia mommy who looks after him like I'm his MOM and thought it was valid because he was a head shorter than me and looks like malnourished chiken legs even when eating expensive stuff everyday
3. acted cute (in a weird femboy way, no bash towards femboys) in PUBLIC bc he's so ''cute and innocent'' and thought he was super duper cool because he plays valorant and LoL like no one ever did it before
4. manipulated me throughout the relationship and told the whole world about my personal problems and info that I told him to keep quiet, damaging my reputation
5. flirted with at least 6 girls at the same time while we were dating (he only pulls because he's rich but that's pathetic since it's his parent's money)
6. wears long stokings and oversized hoodies and acts even more feminine than me, forcing me to take roles I DONT EVEN WANT TO
Disclaimer/ I was very horrified but I didn't leave him
7. forces me to do his homework/play games with him even when I'm studying and very focused and KNOWN for being an academic
8. had not one, but TWO girl best friends who he kisses/hugs right in front of me
9. also kisses guys/straddles/does sexualising stuff with them to make me jealous (I'm not even kidding this is fucking disgusting)
10. did not ever give me a gift/congrats when I achieve something, never wished me well on my birthday but if I did the same thing to him he would brawl and cry
11. makes me feel like a worthless hideous troll
12. acts like a child. Might I say more?
13. always complains/express wanting to commit suicide even when he's well provided, loving family/friends (which I am Christian and it is extremely disrespectful of him to always mention it 24/7, always want me to care about him and what I would do if he died. Like idk, nothing? Because you clearly take your privilage and life for granted you ungrateful bastard !!)

Yeah, I was idiotic, so I deleted the whole account of the app I messaged him on forever lmao
anonymous Dating March 16, 2025 at 10:52 am 0
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Good for you for getting away. This guy sounds like a spoiled,retarded, LOSER. People like him, stupid people in general, tend to act incredibly childish despite being adults. They're manipulative and have to make everything dirty. If I had to guess, this guy probably quoted stupid shit all the time too "IM PHICKLEE RICKKKK"

Dating apps are goddamn horrible. 90% of the people on there are like this guy you just got away from. 5% fake profiles. Other 5% descent people. In real life it's easy to pick up on red flags and sense things. Using dating apps you unfortunately don't see most of this until you meet them.

I had been messaging with someone recently. No personality, among some other red flags, selfish person. I finally just cut contact. Nothing good would have come from a relationship with them of being ignored/shat on 90% with the occasional scrap of attention.

I plan to disable my account at the end of the day and stop using the apps period. It's not easy to meet people in person but it's better than exchanging awkward messages with someone who isn't even trying. And don't you love all of the non answers people give on dating apps? "Do you like music?" "Yes lots of kinds" like WTF.
anonymous 2 days ago
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