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The former US is the worst country in the world

The former US is the worst country in the world

Elmo & Fat Hitler and their sibling-fucking zombie supporters have killed the 248 year American Experiment. The EU now correctly thinks of what once was the US as a greater world threat than North Korea. It is.

Get ready for $6/gallon gas and the $3 tomato. Prepare for China to become the new #1 world leader. Now the predator president wants war with México, Panamá, Denmark, Greenland and who knows who else.

I despise that country and that's not being unpatriotic because the US no longer exists. I hate the pariah that it has morphed into.
anonymous Other February 02, 2025 at 7:38 pm 0
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I think we are going to see a lot of Super Mario Bros if you catch my drift.
anonymous 3 hours ago
It's as if Trump wants to run the US into the ground as hard as he possibly can, in the thing guise of making it "Great Again". The guy is a screwball, and he is addicted to publicity no matter how bad it is. He's literally insane. And he does not have much longer to live so he has nothing personally to lose which makes him even more dangerous.

Maybe the unhinged freak just needed a therapy animal at a young age, but we are well past that point. :-(
anonymous 3 hours ago
The EU failed experiment will be falling apart long before the US.
anonymous 1 hour ago
^ The EU is not a failed experiment. Elmo & Fat Hitler have united them in their opposition to the Worst Nation on Earth, the former US now known as Nazi AmeriKKKa.

Many in the EU are correctly referring to that shit stain pariah as a greater threat to the world than North Korea. They are right. It is.
anonymous 55 minutes ago
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