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Some people feelings are more important

Some people feelings are more important

...than other people's feelings.

This is what the crybully safespacers go by, but of course will never admit. "Bow down and kow tow, for I am greater than thou, and you are just a piece of shit.". And other people are angry and fed up and the safespacers are about to have a real problem.
anonymous Other May 06, 2024 at 12:30 pm 2
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Yes because you clearly plan to break into people's homes and light them up with an Ak-47. That'll teach em. Oh wait they're dead. Guess not. Whoops.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
In what world does not wanting to be shot in their own homes equal oppression to you?
anonymous 2 weeks ago
Oh you mean you want to get rid of those pesky things called laws so you can blow your load while blowing heads off because you have both erectile dysfunction disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and anti-social personality disorder all at once.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
"Yes because you clearly plan to break into people's homes and light them up with an Ak-47."

I'm guessing you are not from America so let me explain this to you. A "safe space" is a place a crybully runs to because someone called them a name, or otherwise offended them because it's so easy to do unintentionally. Usually there are other crybullies in that safe space, and they will get offended along with the "victim", and plot revenge on the person or business or anyone else they felt hurt their fee fees. And they will demand more laws are passed, online forums use draconian mod bots to shitban people, and threaten to soo soo soo so they aren't further "offended" or "triggered". They are the special snowflakes and everyone else can go fuck themselves, basically.

anonymous 2 weeks ago
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