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Reality is very depressing

Reality is very depressing

Everytime I go out, I get to see a lot of homelessness. I am pestered by homeless people when I go out. I cannot even enjoy a coffee in a cafe because the stinkiness of old urine, sweat and poop enters the cafe. I give money, but I run out of change. I cannot save everyone. It is exhausting. I feel bad ignoring them when they approach me.
20 years ago, the city that I live in was not like this.
anonymous Other March 25, 2025 at 7:46 pm 0
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I feel bad for the ones who are trying and truly need the help. I don't feel bad for the loser, lazy, fuckup, entitled assholes who stand at the same corners for years, glaring at you like you owe them. Unfortunately about 80% of the homeless population are like that.
anonymous 3 days ago
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