best dating


I met a girl a few years ago. She was so perfect, loving & wonderful. I had a boyfriend when I met her, I broke up with him, I just wanted her instead. She'd comfort me every time & be so worried. I was so addicted to her care & worry, that I didn't care how badly it hurt her. I'd hurt myself worse & thrive off of all the attention, refuse to get help, refuse to get better because as long as she was taking care of me I was in heaven. I couldn't bear to be apart from her. She just wanted me to get help & get better but I never would.
Eventually, it came out tbat the guy who ran a YouTube channel we liked was super abusive. I snapped at everyone saying that if they continue to watch him they're all selfish & enabling abuse. She didn't agree. I yelled at her until she was begging me to stop about how she was a horrible enabler & that she must just value her entertainment over people. I thought I was doing the right. I was soon banned. But all of these people were my only friends. I didn't really have anyone outside of them. I made an alt account and faked my identity. I stalked her, everyone. I pretended to be this different person while actively berating her on my main account. She'd said she was talking about me so I joined a voice chat she wad in to listen in on. She found me out & finally cut me off.
anonymous Religion October 23, 2024 at 8:31 pm 0
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