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Kids Today

Why are younger kids today so entitled, it comes from their entitled parents who are oblivious to anything their kid is dong wrong so the kid's bad behavior never gets corrected, ever, not even after the fact in a talk at home so as not to "damage" the littles tyke's self esteem by a public correcting on the spot as was done back in the day like parents once did, including mine. Their younger parents in their late 20's early 30's. are passing down a trend that started with their own upbringing.

Okay, so today went to early vote in a smallish town that has only one small facility open for the 3wk early voting so it's kind of packed during certain times of day. This town has a lot of elderly seniors, and there are only 3 chairs for them and other infirm that can fit in the outer register/check-in lobby where voters wait for to be called back to the rear of the facility where the voting machines are located. There's an informal queue because people are called back by their name in the order they checked in so if person needs to sit out of line while waiting they can do so.

So this woman, late 20's early 30's, and her son around 5-6y/o were ahead in the "queue", the son however was in the 1st seat of the three in a row, when this man about 70's 80's came onto the queue. He needs to sit down but is old school, so not about to say excuse me to a unsocialized squirt to squeeze by the crush to get to the next seat, and not wanting overtly to embarrass his unsocialized mother in front of everyone, so did so in a very old school way that too bad went right over the mother's entitled head by loudly striking up a conversation with the kid about him being in the "best seat in the house". This went straight over the mother's head who just smiled on like an idiot because someone was giving her kid special attention; can't blame the kid so much, it's her job to socialize him. Back in my day, my parents wouldn't have let my ass be sitting in the seat for this to even have happened; I would have gotten "the disapproving look" parents shot kids back then if had even looked like I was going to sit in one of the chairs, and if for some reason I missed it then came the matter of fact not going to say it twice order to get my butt out of the chair. An elderly adult having deal with me like this man before they got me out of the chair, oh no, that would have been taken as a public reflection of bad parenting & I would have gotten a serious talk when gotten home about the reason why I shouldn't have had my ass in one of the seats to not let it happen again.

Okay, so the queue moves up a little and so does the mother and the kid moves over to the second seat for the sole reason to be closer to his mother, and finally this old man can sit down. And then the little shit kid pipes up about his new seat, "now this is the best seat in the house!" That must have worked on the old guys last nerve because he proceeded to destroy this kid, old school style, reduced this kid down to village idiot laughing stock fodder for the rest of us in line.

OG: "So anywhere you're sitting is the best seat in the house?"
Kid: "Um-hmm, the best!"
OG: "Well how about that empty seat next to you?"
Kid: "No, this one is the best." … And then the queue moved and he moved to 3rd seat, and the old man moved over to free up the 1st for someone else in need.

OG: Is that now the best seat in the house?
Kid: Yep!
OG: But I thought you said this 2nd seat was the best.
Kid: No, you're sitting in it now, it's not the best. The one I'm in is the best!
OG: So anything you touch is the best?
Kid: Yep! … And the mother was called to the doorway where the kid proceeded to touch everything he could reach to the doorway exclaiming "the best!"
OG: I bet the ground you're standing on is even the best.
Kid: Yep, the best!

Don't think the kid's mother ever caught on we all weren't laughing because we thought her kid was "too cute", but because she's oblivious to the fact she's raising a narcissistic entitled little brat.
anonymous Other October 23, 2024 at 10:11 pm 1
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