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people are npcs

people are npcs

i was waiting for my dinner to be dine and my mother put the clean bowl in the dirty dishwater, i swear i tell her to just start thinking before doing things but she doesnt have a single thought in her head most times and excuses everything she ever does that could be classed as wrong she refuses to learn and grow and its very suffocating i know she cant be this dense but seriously? a clean bowl in a dirty dishwasher when she knows i just took it out of the cupboard for my tea that she knew i was doing.

im baffled by narcs and i never want to be like them they are so particular about getting away with being ever told theyre wrong about something. its a horrid brain they have. its not the first time its every other day now that she deflects something and twists my words. ridiculous coming from a "grown" woman.
anonymous Other March 11, 2025 at 1:44 pm 0
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