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Passive aggressive ass fgs

Passive aggressive ass fgs

Tbh idk if its just my friends or other friend groups too but I’ve noticed that everyone in the group has started becoming more, i wouldnt say toxic but mean to each other and it doesnt seem like a joke. Theres alot of passive aggressiveness in everybodies tone and it seems like everybody is jealous of each other and wanna be better.
For example one of my really nice and angelic friend is also becoming quite rude and judges every little thing we might do but she brushes it off and acts like its a joke. Ive also noticed that when we tell each other good news that no one sounds genuinly happy for each other and its all fake. And idk why but it fucking pisses me off when you say literally ANYTHING and they go like “ok?” theres literally no reason for you to be a straight up bitch you dont gain shit from it dumb ho.

anonymous Friends May 08, 2024 at 6:46 am 0
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