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Only n English please

Only n English please

English is the only language that makes sense. Wouldn't be the most popular of it wasn't the best. Just like America wouldn't be front and center everywhere too.

So to those speaking in jshdjjsosisksod-ese STFU and learn to talk right. Here Cup means cup, table means table. Not click click, rice and beans.
anonymous Other March 02, 2025 at 3:20 pm 2
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5 Rant Comments
Du bist sehr dumm. (Look it up; it's German). English is the hardest language to learn. English may be the most popular right now, but it was not always. Also, what's your problem with non-English speakers? Or are you talking about the slang that English speakers (Gen Z/Gen Alpha) use? Either way educate yourself. Thanks.
anonymous 13 hours ago

1. Spanish: Eres un idiota
2. French: Tu es un idiot
3. German: Du bist ein Idiot
4. Italian: Sei un idiota
5. Portuguese: Você é um idiota
6. Russian: Ты идиот (Ty idiot)
7. Chinese (Simplified): 你是个白痴 (Nǐ shì ge báichī)
8. Japanese: あなたはバカです (Anata wa baka desu)
9. Korean: 넌 바보야 (Neon babo-ya)
10. Arabic: أنت أحمق (Anta ahmaq)
11. Hindi: तुम बेवकूफ हो (Tum bewakoof ho)
12. Turkish: Sen bir salaksın
13. Dutch: Je bent een idioot
14. Swedish: Du är en idiot
15. Danish: Du er en idiot
16. Norwegian: Du er en idiot
17. Finnish: Olet idiootti
18. Thai: คุณเป็นคนโง่ (Khun bpen khon ngô)
19. Vietnamese: Bạn là một kẻ ngu ngốc
20. Hebrew: אתה אידיוט (Ata idiot)
21. Malay: Anda seorang idiot
22. Bengali: তুমি একজন বোকা (Tumi ekjon boka)
23. Filipino (Tagalog): Ikaw ay isang hangal
24. Swahili: Wewe ni mpumbavu

anonymous 11 hours ago
Hey, there..the very BiBLE is in english and that has got to show y'all that god only hears us and not you. Nope.
piroshki pines 11 hours ago
What pisses me off are rants that go

Title: I have a school project due Monday

Message: gaw kala gak nuk assignments and then she wook goo gawp gawb zig nuk naw and I couldn't get jee jul maw zuk...

anonymous 10 hours ago
What pisses me off are rants that go

Title: I have a school project due Monday

Message: gaw kala gak nuk assignments and then she wook goo gawp gawb zig nuk naw and I couldn't get jee jul maw zuk...

anonymous 10 hours ago
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