As much as I love the game nordic ashes I find that there are characters with flaws like any character in the game. However during the Challenges stage offered daily to gain more experience for your character as you level up I often find that some Challenges are just "rigged" and have "Hidden curses" that you won't find anywhere nor is it explained. I contacted the developer to say: "that there shouldn't be any other curses or problems when playing any character for that challenge." I swear that there are hidden effects and curses during a challenge for the character provided. You will get heavily pelted with the curse listed which is fine, however there are hidden flaws in a challenge that I call "rigged" when trying to defeat and clear this challenge stage. I run into problems the normal game character doesn't have during an adventure quest. Hidden curses such as enemies don't drop exp so you can't level up your weapons to defeat waves of minion enemies, not listed any where why this happens I call it is rigged reason 1, rigged reason number 2 is that sometimes your character will fire and no projectile or magic is cast it just kind of nulls it self out like cancels its attack which is puzzling because you don't control the attack since it is auto attack. No attack no defeating enemies no exp so you can't upgrade your weapon, and reason "rigged" number 3 and finally, this character is really weak attacks and the bosses spawn within 10 seconds of living in the game, when bosses are suppose to show up at the 30 minuet mark. There are no reasons explaining the rigging thats going on. Usually if this occurs and it happens probably every other two days and it seems to be a pattern, that I will just end my challenge run early and quit the game. No sense trying to defeat a game with "rigged" restrictions and glitches when they are hidden and never explained. One developer said it could be a bug you encountered. Not possible when its a pattern that occurs every other two days. Happened with Locran, happened with, blud, happened with mystery. It's not tied to one single character it has to be the challenge stage it self that are applying unnecessary curses that aren't explained anywhere even the dev team is puzzled. Usually if the dev team doesn't know means that someone is trolling the community with rigged runs. I am a halo champion and even I find this great game to have some serious flaws. I don't understand devs that don't fix these community trolling game problems. Save my self the stress quit the game and playing something else on my break thanks for reading.
JamesComputers March 19, 2025 at 11:51 am00
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