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My mother in law is a nightmare

My mother in law is a nightmare

My boyfriend had a seizure today. It was his first one ever. I found him on the floor of our living room. He was foaming and shaking and twitching and it was bad. Really bad. I called 911 and you know I thought people in the movies yelling were so over dramatic just to find out how hard it is to see someone you love like that. He was in so much pain, I felt if I looked away or calmed down he was going to be gone. I was crying and unknowingly yelling. I’m sick so I lost my breath a lot. I opened the door for the ambulance and he “woke up” he was what a drunk person looks like when they’ve drank more than their body weight in alcohol. He wasn’t drinking or doing drugs he just happened to have fallen. And it sprung the seizure. That’s when he’s now up, I tried to get him to sit down but he isn’t comprehending me. I yell Luna please. And he just looks so confused. He ran to our room and tried to get into bed. Now the paramedics are here and they are trying to get him to calm down, he’s yelling and I think apologizing but it’s not really words just groans. They ask me to call his parents. I call his parents and both are on their way (They are divorced). His mom was screaming and crying and saying I’d done something. But she doesn’t follow that up with anything for the rest of this whole event. She’s crying and yelling. Me and my boyfriend live alone. She eventually leaves the hospital and goes home. She texts me some questions and if he’s okay. And I said yes. And she begins to tell me how she’s in pieces, and how she almost fainted on her way here and almost crashed. I told her about how I felt, about how much it stung and broke me to see him that way. I have his face burned into my memory of when he looked like he had no idea who I am. His mouth was open and his eyes wide and he looked scared. It hurts. And all she cares about is who it hurt more? We’re both 18. I’ve always tried to get along with her. But all she cares about is how she is more depressed, more in pain then anyone else. No matter who it is. It hurts. She said in a text “it hurts me more in his mother”. And? She never made him or any of her kids a priority. I’m not perfect. I’m not god, I can’t judge. But I can’t help but be furious, this woman loves to say she’s gone through something. Even when she hasn’t. Why must it always be priced at her family’s expense? Maybe I’m being dramatic, but this isn’t the only times she’s said something so stupid. She doesn’t care that I saw him like that, she only cares that she gets to say it’s her son. I’m just waiting for the TikTok to pop up about “why her life is hard today”
Ellie Relationships May 29, 2024 at 3:21 am 0
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1 Rant Comment
Your Mother-in-law is not convinced that you are a denier and a true supporter of Fuhrer her that you are by immediately buying at least two(2) of each of the Trump buy many hats, many bibles, many flags, many hats, many wipes, many banners , many mugshot posters, and always more hats. Put all the stuff on and go over to her mansion and take a huge shit in the couch to prove yourself.
luggnuttz mcdipstick 3 months ago
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