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My boss

Is high. I knew they probably did the shit. They are in here acting spacey and slow.

I am so sick of working around this shit. They aren't anything like the other bosses I've had who were abusive acting, but I wonder if it'll get to that poi t with this one. They have already been micromanaging people. Next thing are write ups for imaginary indescretions. Then before you know it they'll be bitching at us for having our shoes untied two weeks ago. All while they are puffing the magic dragon or doing harder shit. Glad I don't do drugs and will always pass a drug screen.
anonymous Work March 03, 2025 at 9:37 pm 0
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Ive worked in those environments. Ultimately do whats best for you but its not sustainable lomg term. I sucked it upnearly 2 years left my first opportunity and didnt have a job to go to but had a part time job with faur bit of cash... so thats me but decide where your exit is take it maybe its immediately. I one time quit a toxic place after 3 weeks they ended up going broke because they couldn't get workers. So I mean its good. But do what is best for you. Dont listen to others fuck them they have their way you have your way
anonymous 31 minutes ago
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