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moronic society

moronic society

ever tried saying something but keep getting different reactions? like i just dont care for womens day? why should i have to just bc every other moronic woman does? we shouldnt have to have an ego and thats all it is sadly its an ego thing when women want a womens day for what reason tho? it does nothing to improve situations. why do we need these random pointless days just to say hey well we exist?

id rather not exist but no one cares for what i think or feel so i dont matter thus womens day is pointless and retarded like every other special day

modern society has become a joke that cant even accept when someone else has anything different to say

im so so tired of being a person if all our thoughts and opinions get invalidated by most people we are useless? no ones going to truly accept us for being ourselves so whats the point i moght as well cease to exist
no one Other April 29, 2024 at 7:13 pm 0
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yes i hate the fact that in todays world, the most potent people and groups are generally emotional midgets and cripples, infantile/juvenile, and lacking any ability for any type of critical thought, and the worst part, that many of these folks are now unable to distinguish the difference between truth, reality and their feelings, and to top it all off, there are just so many people now who are unable to cope with the simple emotional rigours of life, turning it all into some huge drama.

I fucking hate it all.
helen 2 weeks ago
People aren't great at thinking these days. Smartphones have pretty much the same effect on the brain as morphine in a lot of ways, so we're a society of probably about 98% addicts. Long term poverty inflicts literal brain damage, and the only people I know who aren't struggling financially are multimillionaires. Generational trauma is everywhere and the early 20th century was such an emotional bloodbath around the world in every conceivable way that it amped things up drastically. It got to the point that almost no one has had a good enough childhood in about 125 years now. Education has degraded to the point that I'm not sure it's education anymore so much as indoctrination - most schools don't bother teaching the basics, like managing feelings and applying logical reasoning, which wouldn't be a problem if families still raised and taught their own children at home but of course they don't. People by and large are not equipped to do any better. It's sad.

BTW "retarded" is in fact a slur at this point. I think you're both smart enough and creative enough to come up with a more specific, original, and evocative word than that.
anonymous 2 weeks ago
The dumbing down of the electorate is one of the real success stories of our nation, and the return of the blessed slave-ocracy...Trump 20 38.
goober 2 weeks ago
and the way society act like it such a crime to be an individual with our own thoughts and feelings fucking sucks like j cant even vent or rant to nobody bc they wont understand how it feels to be so excluded from the rest of the retarded world. yet im so disgusted by modern society that i dont want nothing to do with it. if i die early then i die early i dont care.

its like every other thing is the wrong thing to be doing or saying older generations didnt ha r the stress of social media to keep up with at the very least they rhad real in person interactions not these dumb pathetic screens that we waste our existences on
no one 2 weeks ago
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