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Killing yourself isnt wrong

Killing yourself isnt wrong

Suicide is not wrong I’m so fucking tired of people saying it is because it’s not how selfish do you have to be to try to force people to live because YOU think it’s a good thing? Your shitty therapy doesn’t work and neither does the mental hospital all they want is money. So shut the fuck up PLEASE
anonymous Other March 20, 2025 at 3:55 pm 0
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FR DUDE. i hate when fuckers act all "youre so selfish for wanting to kys you have so many people who love you and ur just gonna leave them all behind??!1??1" STFUU ppl like that invalidate mental health issues /gen
honey 19 hours ago
I agree with you. We need to legalize voluntary euthanasia in the United States because this is a shithole country with intolerant antiquated fuckers who haven’t evolved past the Bronze Age. Our infrastructure is crumbling, no way to self elevate out of poverty, no universal healthcare, our money funds free healthcare in Israel, their women have reproductive rights and they even have a good subsidized housing program, plus we give them weapons and anything their precious little hearts desire, while Americans even veterans end up on street corners because of disability or getting fired. The majority of the people in this country are self righteous, pompous, racist and classist jerks. Voluntary euthanasia should be legal here. It’s better than taking anti-depressants and anti-psychotics becoming those drugs cause obesity, body tremors, drowsiness, frequent urination, and other side effects.
Harry 18 hours ago
Ya'll are fucking retarted, honestly maybe you guys should kill yourselves, it would do us all a favor and I doubt anybody would miss you. The reason Suicide is wrong because everybody is loved by somebody, it's impossible for everyone to hate you, because while hate is ingrained into human nature, so is love. Somebody loved Hitler, actually a lot of people did. The reason we want people to live is because we don't want cowards living in our world. If we tell you to stop, and you brave through your mental health issues, and you get help, and you power through, you are somebody society needs. If we tell you to stop and you don't listen, it means you were weak, you couldn't handle the pain. Not only that, how is it fair to allow people to condemn themselves to a world we know nothing about? Sure it may be pure, endless oblivion after this life, which is what they want, but it could also be hell. And what if that's what it is? What if by not telling them to stop we damn them to an eternity of suffering that could have been completely avoided had we stopped them? We know nothing about death, why would we allow people to condemn themselves to it? Not only that, but imagine the families of those people, the friends of those people. Heck, people they just knew. Everybody knows somebody, and nobody is not grieved at all, how can we allow those families to grieve? With your shallow and frankly stupid view on the matter I assume you've never seen or experienced Suicide in your life, but I have. It wasn't even somebody I knew very well, some kid in my neighborhood, I had no reason to feel sad for him, I'd barely known him, but when I went his funeral, and I heard his parents sobbing while recounting his life, absolutely destroyed that their son made that decision, how could you condemn a family to that? Suicide will always do more harm than good, death will always do more harm than good, which is why as a society we care so much about people not dying. If your dumb enough, or shallow enough, to think that people should not only be allowed to kill themselves, but it is wrong to tell them not you, than you genuinely need to actually kill yourself, right fucking now you absolute fucking moron. Go fucking tie the noose right now. See if you can do it, or is there more to your useless pathetic life you need to achieve like convincing more people that aren't you to kill themselves. Not only that but blaming FUCKING AMERICA? YOU DUMB STUPID BITCH ASS CUNT If I was in front of you right now I would literally ring your neck. What the actual FUCK is wrong with you people!?!? People like YOU are the reason this country is a shithole, YOU are the ones that need to go fucking jump off the Golden Gate. If you think people should I'll themselves than you go fucking do it. You fucking dare call AMERICA the shithole when there are places like china, who have an annual spike in suicides when people fail a test in 8th grade, literal eight graders killing themselves because in China if you don't pass that test you're completely fucked. You think we're more of a shithole than North Korea, where people are literally eating rats just to stay alive, where everything is so devastatingly bad all we can do here is look in shock and horror, and laugh away the fear when a North Korean Band plays "I Want To Break Free" by Queen because of the cruel irony that those people will most likely never see freedom, that people are choosing actual human trafficking in China to get out of there. and you DARE call America a shithole? Compared to them we're as clean as the temple steps. Nobody is invalidating mental health issues, what me mean dumb ass is that it is literally not possible to have nobody who loves you unless by some FUCKING MIRACLE they all die before you meet anybody new. Your parents love you, and when they die? Everybody you've met and made a good impression on in some way loves you. Nobody said it was easy, it's not fucking easy, I know for a fact it's not easy, but is it so much to ask for people to not off themselves because they feel worthless? If you want to be truly worthless go through with your plan, tie the noose, pull the fucking trigger, than see what you add to the world, nothing but more pain and violence, until eventually all you become is another metric on some census to remind the rest of humanity how utterly stupid Suicide is.

You CANNOT be serious in thinking that Suicide is something people should be doing, and if you are, you need to ACTUALLY kill yourselves RIGHT FUCKING NOW you shallow, two faced, fatherless, purposeless bastards. You complete and utter sacks of vile filth, you dare clutter the world with your uselessness? Get the fuck out, nobody will give a fuck give 2 years. Nobody will remember you. Nobody will miss you once they get over the fact your dead. If I died tomorrow in some freak accident, I guarantee I would be mourned. I would be heavily grieved. Probably for years, and after the grief wore off I would be remembered for years, and years, and years to come. If you killed yourselves right now I would give it a fucking *week* until nobody cared.

Just go fucking drown yourself right now you useless fucking bastard.
Ruination 8 hours ago
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