this dude needs to get diagnosed with adhd or something its next to impossible to enioy a whole programme without having to ask him not to do something thats interupting said programme. if hes not on his phone then its not too bad but even then he still cant sit still long enough without shuffling about and disrupting it for others or talking over the top of it. the sooner he gets diagnosed the better honestly. i cant stand sitting next to him because it really does affect my attention span too cause believe it or not i like to occasionally watch things in silence so i can concentrate but i cant do it if the tool next to me is constantly disrupting it. its ironic that he claims to want to watch these programmes but others often have to fill him in on things because its too much for him to sit still long enough.
dear god. whats got into people these days? hes not even on tiktok either its just his general poor attention spans, i wouldnt be surprised if hes got autism too or if hes just straight up narcissistic. his leg was constantly bouncing around like he couldnt put it down for more than a few minutes and hes just so restless and ewwww, his energy gives me the ick when im around him for too long or i get a headache. its really impossible to sit next to these types of people without feeling on edge, how he hasnt had a diagnosis of something boggles my mind, its clear as day to me that hes wired the wrong ways.
anonymousOther January 24, 2025 at 2:31 pm00
is it automatic that we wont get dee ported if we report a bunch of family or friends for being potentially disloyal? thanx and god bless. Mick 3 hours ago
1 Rant Comment
Mick 3 hours ago