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It’s time to end things

It’s time to end things

I fantasize about how nice it would be to be in a relationship with someone who is a mature adult who wakes up on time and goes to bed on time. Someone who makes their bed in the morning, helps me make breakfast, cook and clean. Someone who is a go getter and dresses to impress me. I’ve sacrificed soo much for the person I am married to right now that I’ve completely lost sight of who I am. He is explosive, short tempered and has no filter. He has cost us many relationships and I’m constantly making excuses for him. He ruined my relationship with my brother and continues to not own up to his mistakes. I have stayed with this man for too long and I can no longer excuse his behavior. I deserve to be with someone who is going to love and respect me the way I need to be otherwise I’d rather be single for the rest of my life. I moved states for him thinking that one day he would change but he has shown me time and time again what his true nature is and I need to believe him. It’s time, it’s time I do this, dear lord please give me the strength and courage to go through this. I have no money, no job, nothing…but I cannot be with this person anymore.
Anongayguy Relationships August 01, 2024 at 3:14 am 1
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2 Rant Comments
Why would you think he would change? Did he say he would?
anonymous 7 months ago
Yep! He made all the promises and never kept them.
anonymous 7 months ago
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