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It's fine right

It's fine right

An Authoritarian's world where you get fined for anything remotely enjoyable.

Fine List:

1. One day with access to social media - $500.00
2. One week with reading books or magazines - $750.00
3. One month with playing video games - $1500.00
4. One hour with watching reality TV - $2000.00
5. One week with using smartphones - $1000.00
6. One month with binge-watching TV series on streaming services - $2000.00
7. One day with using the internet for non-essential purposes - $1000.00
8. One week with drinking coffee or tea - $500.00
9. One day with listening to music - $1000.00
10. One week with visiting social gathering places such as bars, clubs, or malls - $2000.00
11. One month with participating in outdoor activities like picnics, hiking, or swimming - $2500.00
12. One day with.wearing comfortable, casual clothing - $500.00
13. One week with being able to decorate their personal living space - $750.00
14. One month with being able to cook their favorite meals or ordering out - $1500.00
15. One day with being able to engage in physical intimacy with a partner - $1000.00
16. One week with having pets as companions - $1000.00
17. One month with access to transportation - $2000.00
18. One day with being able to watch your favorite sports teams play - $1000.00
19. One week with being able to exercise - $500.00
20. One month with being able to celebrate holidays or birthdays in their traditional m anner - $2000.00
21. One day with being able to spend time with friends and family - $1000.00
22. One week with being able to eat their favorite foods - $750.00
23. One month with being able to travel to new places or visit old ones - $2000.00
24. One day with being able to express emotions freely - $500.00
25. One week with being able to access mental health resources - $1000.00
26. One month with being able to write, read, or create art - $2000.00
27. One day with being able to use personal hygiene products like shampoo or toothpaste - $500.00
28. One week with being able to wear comfortable shoes - $500.00
29. One month with being able to take part in community service or volunteer work - $2000.00
30. One day with being able to engage in intellectual conversations or learning activities - $1000.00
31. One week with being able to access news or current events - $1000.00
32. One month with being able to attend live music, theater, or comedy shows - $2000.00
33. One day with being able to practice personal hygiene or self-care routines - $500.00
34. One week with being able to purchase necessary items like food or medicine - $750.00
35. One month with being able to exercise personal freedoms such as freedom of expression, movement, and assembly - $2500.00

anonymous Political July 04, 2024 at 11:56 pm 0
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3 Rant Comments
life is the scam, we were given the crumbs only know are people realising this shit sadly too little too late. the world is going to end one way or other.
bruh 3 days ago
All the fines for the tech & digital great idea, people've gone down a digital rabbit hole and refuse to surface.
anonymous 3 days ago
Yeah and nobody will pay them, and the 'enforcers' will find themselves locked into the trunk of their flipped over, graffitied on and stripped car, and they themselves will emerge from the trunk covered in graffiti ala Police Academy.

This will be funny to see. A pencil neck with a clip board getting surrounded by angry cholos and pissing his pants as he tries to deliver the final warning in person, after so many "past due" notices get ignored. And there aren't enough cops around to stop fentanyl heads from shitting all over themselves and dying in a cafe's doorway, let alone be around to guard stick boy's life as he does his many, many runs.

Really, what this would do is make everyone in America a scofflaw, and give the government/law enforcement the right to snatch up anybody they so choose for any arbitrary reason at their convienience. "Did you pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars of existence tax? Thought not. Off you go!" I'm sure some shitheel king or dictator already tried this before his angry subjects chopped his head off.
anonymous 2 days ago
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