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Imbred fuckwits and solar panels

Imbred fuckwits and solar panels

I saw this garbage fluff piece in the news. Basically there are these old people who live outside of the city, and its a growing thing for solar panels to begin popping up in lots in these areas. Big deal right? Wrong.

Its because the spoiled old fucks who live near these solar panels dont like them, and they want cornfields to be there like they were. Instead of just saying they were midly annoyed like how a normal person may react, these fucks are all going level 10 spoiled redneck retard crybaby. Threatening to move, saying they are "heartbroken" and "have to move" from their home that is paid off and they arent being kicked out of. ALL BECAUSE THEY DONT WUNNA LIVE NEAR A CORNFIELD.

Could you imagine being that goddamn spoiled and retarded. Good. As someone who lived in a bumblefuck area. Farmers have sbit personalities. They hog the road qith tractors that block traffic as they go 2 miles an hour for 30 miles, then nothing like having to smell literal shit because they have to fertilize fields. These things are far more disturbing than I DONT WANT SOLAR PANELS NEAR MEEEEEEE.
anonymous Funny November 06, 2024 at 7:42 pm 0
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