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I m so ready to leave my household

I m so ready to leave my household

I’m so fucking ready to kill myself and everyone I’m this household I’m tired from hearing my mother and her boyfriend fight about every little thing they dislike about each other and then they bring me into this oh and wait when my little step brother is here guess what they fight and dont expect me to protect him in the slightest bit so guess what do I do I protect my 10 year old brother from these hell fire fight literally ready to kill and say anything and they get mad at me for standing up for us I’m so done trying to protect something that died years ago and my mother refuses to leave him because they have a house together I have an older sister that is loaded and has offered to take us in multiple times but my mother won’t have it I’m starting to think she just hates me she’s called me all the names under the sun and I’m so fucking tired I’m angry I’m upset and I have no one we moved to a dead end town and I’m homeschooled I have no friends no one who wants me and nothing I can do about it I’m stuck and It’s feels like im never gonna get out of it I don’t know what to do anymore
anonymous Home September 22, 2022 at 8:18 am 0
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keep going. thats what you have to do. your facing hell so imagine what it will be like when you can get out. if you end it, your giving in, your giving up. Imagine the life you and your brother deserve. here is what i do. i make a plan. i journal, and sing.. I got a job so i can make money to take care of myself, and my siblings. eventually once you have enough money for a stable life, you can take your brother and leave. you take control of your life, maybe while making plans you can see if there is someone for you to talk to. like a online therapist or just a place to get healthy advice. I really believe you should continue moving foward and being a good person.
mads 2 years ago
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