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I lost the best girl ever for no reason

I lost the best girl ever for no reason

Met her at a gym back in 2021. Had a big crush on her for months before I worked up the courage to meet her. She seemed super interested in me. 6 foot to my 5'9, and muscular but still very feminine. You could tell by her ass. Sexy beyond belief, so gorgeous was her body and her face was just...angelic. I remember very well how she and I met, and I remember how two weeks later as I was walking down the staircase how she dribbled her basketball and when she shyly waved at me when she for whatever reason looked back and saw me. To say we hit it off is an understatement. She even handed me her phone so I could give her my number she seemed so excited. We had such a great time for two weeks then I confessed my attraction to her. She rejected me over text but it seemed like a scared reaction that wasnt quite sincere. She never treated me bad in person. We didnt talk about it. We had one conversation about it and I decided to just bury my feelings for her as not to lose the best friend I made. I couldnt and eventually people thought she and I were a thing. On December 22nd, 2021 she got into a car crash and...I almost lost her. She was on her way to see me for a workout but we didnt get to it. I ran out of time. Still talked to her and stuff. Showed her videos on my phone and just talked about everything we had in common. I put my hand on her shoulder or arm and I was going to kiss her. I chickened out. I didnt want to lose her. The feelings I thought I had supressed came back and I wanted to tell her so badly how much she means to me. Immediately after the holidays, first week of January 2022, I check in on her and she tells me her mom kicked her dad and then her out. We fell out of contact shortly after.

I reach out to her, six months later on her social and she...didnt really want to talk to me anymore. Now we are not on speaking terms and I dont know if we ever will again. I lost the best girl ever for no reason. I had never felt this way before about anyone and I lost her because of what? Nothing. We texted so much even after she rejected me. She always seemed like she deep down wanted me to just make a move on her. She denies it now. It doesnt change how I feel about her. I'll never move on from her fully.
anonymous Relationships January 24, 2023 at 11:46 pm 0
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2 Rant Comments
you're gonna destroy yourself fighting for a relationship with someone who doesn't want you

she has made it clear, for whatever her hidden reason be, she don't want it with you like that.

I feel your pain, but the best thing for you and her is to move on.

you call her the best girl, but you never even had a proper kiss - fuck that, listen King you are the best dont ever let anyone else, including yourself, tell you that you aint.

This is your life, your world. You will find someone new, just go enjoy your life while you still can before you get into a relationship

If you need pussy get some pussy, go to the club, hire a escort, do what you gotta do to get your mind straight

THEN you go out and dominate the fucking world show them what a badass mother fucker you are a grab the world by the balls, fuck this shit about you can't move on

you will move on and you will find a better girl - chin up Champ lets fucking GO
anonymous 2 years ago
I wish I could beleive all that. I've tried after all telling myself the same things. Hasnt worked yet.
anonymous 2 years ago
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