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I hate having a high libido

I hate having a high libido

18F, almost 19, chronically single and a virgin with a high libido. It feels great until I'm finished. I always feel like such a freak when I'm done taking care of myself, or like there's something wrong with me. I have no one to relate to for this, and no one to talk to. Initiating conversation about sex with my friends or family makes them and myself feel disgusted. My friends are either super religious or innocent as a lamb, and even my friends with boyfriends who are active complain about how much their boyfriends want to do it with them. And yeah, I feel jealous because I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend before, so I can't relate to their situation. To me, it feels like they're suffering from success, and I know it's not true, that everyone has their own struggles. But I'm lonely, and I wonder if I should feel disgusted with how much drive I have. People might say "no, it's normal and even healthy", but I don't think they'll understand how it feels to wonder if you're a pervert, especially compared to everyone you know.
maya Body February 09, 2025 at 1:19 am 0
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4 Rant Comments
An almost 19 year old virgin with a high libido is an oxymoron.
anonymous 1 month ago
Most women are frigid. You are going to make a man very happy. You are precious. God bless you.
Marriedguywithnosesex 1 month ago
I honestly feel the same way. I feel so bad about it afterwards because I call myself a Christian but I can’t help myself. You aren’t alone girl
Anonymous 3 weeks ago
You are perfectly normal. Look at your age your body is sayimg breed. Its normal. Find a good nice person who is husband material marry him have a few kids
anonymous 7 hours ago
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