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i don't care

i don't care

I don't care what you say I think. I don't fucking care what you say I think because what you say I think will never be what I actually think. So you're only going to humiliate yourself because you'll never be right. And despite your denial that you're humiliating yourself, never being right about anything is humiliating!

I don't care what you say I want either. I don't fucking care what you say I want because I will never be wanting what you say I want. So you're only goibng to humiliate yourself. And I have come to realize that humiliating yourself is the only thing that you're best at... It's the only thing that you do better than anyone else.

And you're not going to cut me down to size. You're not going to make me feel shame nor will you make me feel small. Similiarly, you'll never prove me a liar or substantiate any of the other ill-conceived false allegations you thought you could build yourself up with. You'll just get another notch on your self-humiliation belt.

Are you going to remind me of the complaint lodged by that raving lunatic in July 2000? I'll just remind you that that complaint was dismissed as baseless. I'll also remind you that that complaint says that I spoke to her only two times and that there's no mention of me sending her love letters. I'll also remind you that she didn't embellish her story with tall tales of receiving love letters until she was alleged to be falsely maligning me as a stalker over a year after the fact.

Perhaps you're going to shove the conviction of 2002 in my face? Obviously you would have to shove that conviction in my face because there is no other history on which you can make your case. And I'm all for having that conviction shoved in my face because that conviction is among the biggest points of contention. It really matters little to me that you insist it was a fair and impartial trial because I'm fully prepared to show that it wasn't.

And the operative word there is show and not tell. Tell is the strategy of the liar and belief is the expectation of the idiot.

Don't bother telling me that I don't get it. You're a blustering fool who has absolutely no idea what you are talking about!

You actually fucking think that you can unlawfully and surreptitiously intrude upon my privacy and expect people to believe that I am proving you right by taking exception to your intrusion upon my personal space and your violation of the sanctity of my home? If you really think that my objecting to your intrusion upon my privacy proves you correct about anything you really need to become involved with local theatre so that you can spend an hour or more from time to time pretending to not be an absolute idiot.

And I am not humiliating yourself! I am not the least bit wrong about you watching me in my home. I am not the least bit wrong about you unlawfully and surreptituiously intruding upon my privacy. And I'm not wrong about that I am hardly humiliating myself by complaining about it! And I will hardly humiliate myself in bringing suit against you for intruding upon my privacy and causing me harm by so doing.

And I am not humiliating myself by being adamant that I want nothing to do with that raving lunatic. How could it possibly be humiliating to state that you have no interest in someone whom you literally have no interest in? Particularly, when the person whom you're adamant you have no interest in is a raving lunatic who is falsely accusing you of following her and obsessing over her. And how could anyone hope to successfully argue that responding to false allegations and harassment proves obsession on my part? How could anyone reasonably expect me to just ignore false allegations and harassment? Who do you know that would just ignore harm causing false allegations? Who do you know that is able to just ignore constant harassment that has persisted for more than two decades? Good fucking luck convincing a court that I should be ignoring your false allegations and harassment. Good fucking luck convincing a court that I am proving you correct by not ignoring your false allegations and harassment. And good fucking luck trying to convince a court that your false allegations haven't caused me harm!

And the whole silly notion that I am bringing it on myself is flagrantly and patently absurd. First of all you have absolutely no right to intrude upon my privacy and what I say and do inmy own home is of absolutely no business of yours. So I don't know how you intend to convince the court that your unlawful and surreptitious intrusion upon my privacy is a case of me bringing it on myself. Nor am I able to comprehend how you intend to convince a court that I am bringing on myself your false allegations. The whole premise behind false allegations is that the person falsely accused did none of the things alleged and could not possibly have brought such allegations on himself.

And the rants? Howmany people do you honestly believe visit this site? How many people do you honestly believe read my rants? How many people do you honestly believe give a damn about me and my issues to even bother reading my rants? And how the fuck do you intend to make the case that a site as obscure as this one, as low traffic as this one, as unfrequented as this one, as insignificant as this one, as inconsequential as this one, and the half dozen or so people that actually visit this site could have resulted in me being caused so much harm?

I have an explanation for that and you're not going to like it because it's so reality and truth based and hinges on my allegation that I'm the victim of a pathetic lowlife psychopathy stalker.

Don't forget also that complaints of misdeeds and injustices are not the cause of the misdeeds and injustices. They call it "cause and effect" for a reason and it would be absolutely absurd for anyone with half a brain to accept your "effect and cause" "cart before the horse" bullshit. It's not one of those questions where the answer is questionable like the classic "chicken or egg" debate.

Which came first?

The unlawful intrusion upon my privacy OR my complaints about my privacy being intruded upon?

Which came first?

The harassment OR my complaints that I am being harassed?

Which came first?

The false allegations OR my complaints that I am being falsely accused?

Which came first?

The discrimination OR my allegations that I am being discriminated against?

Which came first?

The railroad in 2002 OR my complaints that I was railroaded in 2002?

Which came first?

Your insistence that I want a lover OR my response to your insistence that I want a lover?

Which came first?

The harm you caused me with your false allegations and claims OR my complaints about the harm you caused with your false allegations and claims?

You obviously have a very real problem with getting things in chronological order. And for the life of me I can't figure out why you have such tremendous difficulty in getting things in chronological order. I mean, with modern technology watches and clocks don't even need to be manually set anymore; they just synchronize with a time server that is freely available to everyone on the information and time superhighway. It's like magic! And they all go in the same direction down that proverbial one way street to the future.

You have no case and you have no defence! I have no interest and I am becoming increasingly intolerant!

Good night!

william Other October 24, 2024 at 1:20 am 0
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