I am homeless once again! This time over some bs- but I get where the person was coming from. Glad I didn’t do anything with either one of them. But my nicest part got tested for real. Ok that’s fine. Lesson learned: fuck these 304s & theses ninjas. I left home early at 16yrs immature- and never had a proper home to call mine ever since. I was homeless after Job Corps. I was homeless after getting into with my employer and my friend Mom because no money to give her. I was homeless after I got into about $5 with one friend’s crackhead/ drug addicted Mom. I was homeless after a 3 way gone wrong with a fake friend. I was homeless after leaving my guy friend house because his cousin was a thief, after deciding to leave for my younger than him BF. I was homeless any time my BF decided he couldn’t deal with me not following his control tactics. I was homeless when I had enough of my kid’s Dad still trying to be my incest Big brother toy. I was homeless after I decided to choose faked happiness to see if I could be without Mr Control me, fight me , argue me and put me out. I was homeless after I decidedly realized that I tried to be happy with a new cheater & liar, after realizing my heart still stuck on. I was homeless after I left again for good measure because Mr Control me, fight me argue with me was never going to marry me because I was not going to SUBMIT to him or what the fuck ever. I was homeless because my van broke down and no Money, no help to fix, the lien to pay rent on my room was a predatory loan, my bipolar disorder depression was keeping stagnant, the next job at the call center was a 5 hr walk, pride in asking for ongoing help to & from work. I am homeless now because of a lying piece of dog shit person decided to make a panic filled incident into a crime that I didn’t commit. But paying for with unemployment, reputation and new fees from courts, an arrest record, a mugshot, lots of I owe Us and debts. I am homeless due to failed housing grants from the public defender association program. I am homeless at this moment because of my willingness to be friendly but sometimes keeping to myself is best. Chronic homelessness is based on several factors and circumstances.
HoboHillyHome February 20, 2025 at 10:27 pm10
1 Rant Comment
bobo bill 18 hours ago