This will go 1 of 2 ways. Either fat boy is trying to make sure I don't have a weapon and trying to create a false sense of security or you're going to write me up on some bullshit because your creepy ass employees xant stop acting like creepy ass children. It's all about making them feel OK to fuck with me. anonymous 19 hours ago
You people are fuxking predictable and wild. I will continue to tape EVERY conversation. Why the fuck would I start checking at the computer for jobs I WAS TOLD CANT BE LOGGED INTO? how the fuck can you never tell me the situation has changed and then blame me for no knowing what ya didn't fucking tell me? Looking for any excuse to get rid of me. Setting me up with bullshit. What's funny is I posted on this website about not being able to log into those jobs! ON A PUBLIC WEBSITE LMAO! I was mad that you couldn't fucking take credit for those parts! YOUR COMPUTERS ARE FUCKED UP! I wouldn't trust you pieces of shit enough to NOT want to log my jobs in the system. Your little white trash assholes can make me uncomfortable but as soon you feel like it you can label me whatever...
You're so fucking full of shit. Again why would I not want credit for sitting there opening that fucking door 8 trillion times on a job your lazy little pink dicks never want to do? Do you think I sat here all day Monday doing nothing? YOU HAVE A FUCKING CAMERA THAT CAN SEE THE LIGHTS AR THE TOP OF MY FUCKING MACHINES! green means running you dumb motherfuckers! I think you know that! I know what this is about! anonymous 18 hours ago
Get away old man. 4:11. You know I check everything when the hillbilly leaves! You watch me constantly so I know you KNOW THIS! anonymous 18 hours ago
Why is everything a fight a struggle? You gotta be a lawyer and fight for fairness. You gotta be ready to put people in the dirt who think they fuck with you just because. I'm definitely either going to jail or I'm going r be killed by the police. I'm honestly ok with either. But I know for a fact some of you are going with me. Mommy won't be coming home one day woth her smart ass mouth. Keep letting your little white trash brothers keep making my job difficult and not telling me important shit and THEN trying to penalize me for it! Your children will be without a mom! I can guarantee this is not just a threat. I swear to fucking christ I'm so sick of dealing with this world I will gladly split your fuckkng head into 2 pieces. anonymous 17 hours ago
Bald ape past at 3:10 and at 4:10 the creepy cripple was over to ask a question he knew the fucking answer to. Take your weird fayggity creepy old assbto your machines and stop WATCHING ME! anonymous 17 hours ago
Little petty ass white trash bastard trying to trip me up. anonymous 17 hours ago
doin mass debating in the stair wells is not okay with the janitors anonymous 17 hours ago
Also saving all my schedules that are written. I see the creepy bastard didn't write to run 24 but he signed off on the machine at 2:45. Great how I have to run this fucking chucker every fucking day and share gages between machines. But it never really a problem is it because the precious pink people never have to run this shit. anonymous 16 hours ago
Why is it that the one machine ( the chucker) that requires you to stay at the control to constantly load parts also the only machine where 90 percent of the parts have to be deburred by hand at the machine. So fucking tiring and stupid. You're either loading or deburring a bunch of shit in addition to your other machined. But I'm sure you fucking turds never factor that in. You just notice no one likes running the chucker and just leave it for the blacks. Let's not irritate the precious baby dicks. And if this shit isn't all done in exactly the time the computer SAYS it should be well the operator must be slacking. Why don't you start whipping whoever runs the chucker. I'm sure if it as legal you would. anonymous 16 hours ago
probly susan anonymous 15 hours ago
To computer to login to job 9:32 so there is creepy cripple on dock across from me lurking at 10:02. anonymous 12 hours ago
10:12 creepy old cripple past drama getting material. anonymous 12 hours ago
12 Rant Comments
anonymous 19 hours ago
You're so fucking full of shit. Again why would I not want credit for sitting there opening that fucking door 8 trillion times on a job your lazy little pink dicks never want to do? Do you think I sat here all day Monday doing nothing? YOU HAVE A FUCKING CAMERA THAT CAN SEE THE LIGHTS AR THE TOP OF MY FUCKING MACHINES! green means running you dumb motherfuckers! I think you know that! I know what this is about!
anonymous 18 hours ago
anonymous 18 hours ago
anonymous 17 hours ago
anonymous 17 hours ago
anonymous 17 hours ago
anonymous 17 hours ago
anonymous 16 hours ago
anonymous 16 hours ago
anonymous 15 hours ago
To computer to login to job 9:32 so there is creepy cripple on dock across from me lurking at 10:02.
anonymous 12 hours ago
anonymous 12 hours ago