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Have fun in jail

Have fun in jail

Hey… Yall who keep posting many times quasi accurate information about Shelby, myself, and other people. You’re abusing government data systems and are going to jail on federal charges. I hope it was worth it for these pathetic attempts to scare me.

Right along with a lot of you gossiping, emailing me, calling me, and everything else. I hope it was worth it.

I email publicly available emails for the most part. I don’t go bother people at their private emails. Unless they posted it for anyone to see.
anonymous Funny April 14, 2024 at 10:43 am 0
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4 Rant Comments
No idea who you mean haven't seen those names here
anonymous 5 months ago
No one guys to jail who screams their total and eternal loyalty to CZAR TRUMPKA...for only he defeats all courts and denies all manmade laws...HE is above us....look up to the falling "rain".
gift time wet 5 months ago
Scooby Doo is searching Trump's underwear drawer, looking for clues.
anonymous 5 months ago
Shelby needs blue dye.
anonymous 4 months ago
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