did you know christianity is solely based off pedophilia, rape, murder, and war? god relishes human sacrafices. thats why people die like flies in the masses. god feeds off of the suffering people and gives to the spoilt bitch cherry picked christians basically. i wanna eat gods face, chew it, swallow it, and poop it out. then repeate for infinti because he tortured me so much that thats the only thing i can think of that will bring me joy.
christianity and christians should be erased from life. all churches should be burnt to the ground. all bibles should be pee/pooped on then burried in fire.
jesus christ if your watching me type this i wanna cut your eyes out for infinity then respawn for repeat pain. FUCK ALL THE GODDAMN FUCKING RELIGIONS IS WHY THE WORLDS BURNING
FUCKCHRISTFUCKCHRISTFUCKCHRISTReligion November 19, 2024 at 2:10 pm30
The christian commandments is somewhat holy, especially the latter reasonable ethichal reasonable ones against crimes, where it says thou shalt not kill / sex abuse (adultery) / steal / lie (false witness).
But the Christian Bible is demonic, and many of its verse contradicts the commandments itself, often with double-standards hypocrisy.
And many modern christina are also HYPOCRITES against their own relgious commandments, esepcially they most greedy/ tyrrannical / richest evangelists! They are worshipping and following the greed demons themselves with their demonic actions! LogicalAtheist 2 months ago
1 Rant Comment
But the Christian Bible is demonic, and many of its verse contradicts the commandments itself, often with double-standards hypocrisy.
And many modern christina are also HYPOCRITES against their own relgious commandments, esepcially they most greedy/ tyrrannical / richest evangelists! They are worshipping and following the greed demons themselves with their demonic actions!
LogicalAtheist 2 months ago