Not a fan of Trump & did not vote for him. That said, global world order has been upended and swapped around since the beginning of time. It's not a fixed thing and probably won't be until humans start thinking of themselves as citizens of Earth instead of countries. We'll all likely have killed ourselves through warring or consequences of global warming/climate change/pollution planetary neglect before that could ever happen though. The Roman Empire has come and gone, leaving only its namesake city, Rome, now a tourist destination to see ruins of the once great Roman Empire. And history is full of similar examples. The main difference between now and then is people can watch it happening real time on 24/7 news channels. Back in ancient times most folks didn't know their world order changed until armies arrived at the gates of their town giving notice.
anonymousPolitical March 06, 2025 at 7:45 pm00
All empires eventually fall. Former US America's time has come. It will never recover from the damage being done by Elmo & Fat Hitler. Never. The 248 year American Experiment is dead. anonymous 2 days ago
1 Rant Comment
anonymous 2 days ago