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Blackmailed and threatened

Blackmailed and threatened

Someone has been blackmailing me and threatening me for a while now. I do not like it. I have kept 2 people in authority in the loop in case things get worse. I try to be a good person and do what is correct. I stand by my values. I do not say anything. My mental health suffers everytime I am blackmailed and threatened. I am not going to bother fighting. I am running in the opposite direction instead. I am never going tell anyone anything.
anonymous Other March 08, 2025 at 7:32 pm 0
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If it's not in writing or print, tell them to fuck off. The old adage still stands, "talk is cheap", you can deny, say it wasn't you, or simply say it didn't happen and the blackmailer is cray-cray. Can't prove it if you can't see it. That's how it works.....
anonymous 11 hours ago
Thanks for your kind and wise advice Scott. I know it is only you who uses the word "cray-cray"
anonymous 4 hours ago
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