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Gen Z celebs

Gen Z celebs

So, I'm in that age bracket and don't understand the appeal of any of these women. They're shoved in everyone's faces like OMG LOOK at them, especially that one girl with the weird eyes. You know the one I'm talking about.

They all seem very bitchy and stuck up. Only a couple I would even say are passable as cute, most of them are just average as fuck. They are small breasted with their pancake tits, and always have them hanging out or sticking out on the side of their dresses. Some of these girls look kind of mannish too.

And then the Gen Z guys look mostly pretty damn weird. Very boney faces and fucked up hairdos. I don't understand how anyone could say they have appeal either, especially given how their personalities seem just as fake as the women's.
anonymous Other February 25, 2025 at 1:49 pm 0
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Remember that this is what big media thinks you want. And they have all kinds of surveys and data analysis done by suits and creepy hired qwacks to 'back all of this up' as to being what you (allegedly) want. So this is what they push out into your generation.

If this sounds all fucked up and creepy, it's because that's exactly what it is. But they do it because it makes them rich. These ghouls would throw their own grandma into a woodchipper if such an act would improve their balance sheets.
anonymous 5 hours ago
Be Aware that the only true Celebs in the kingdom are the Duke and the Emperor. All other fake celebs grovel in the filth beneath the grate master's slop bucket. Praise them, obey them and always be loyal to them no matter what cost you bear.
anonymous 3 hours ago
It's not just the celebs, it's most Gen Z. They have no tits, are unattractive and generally look like Martians. Women are evolving rather strangely.
Dr Cho 3 hours ago
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