I really hate this group work Smurph collective shit that they try to monster on people in America. Strangely enough, we are supposed to be "rugged individualists" and "pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps" (always those fucking bootstraps) and not dare ask for help when it comes to being housed, clothed, and fed, you know, the basic fucking needs for every human to survive. But then we are monstered into these "collectives" when it comes to getting some scraps off the master's table in exchange for making that master filthy rich. And at the same time we are supposed to be competing with our work chums.
If this doesn't make sense it's because it dosen't. But this is the schitzophrenic bullshit America as been wallowing in for a long time now. But wait until AI replaces humans in jobs left and right, and really amps this up, and we are still expected to "work or you don't eat"; that line pushed mostly by the Jesus freaks who now are in control of this country. Then the "fun" is really going to begin.
anonymousOther February 25, 2025 at 4:59 pm10
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